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There are 11 words containing D, 3E, F, H, I and R

ETHERIFIEDetherified v. Simple past tense and past participle of etherify.
etherified adj. Converted into an ether.
ETHERIFY v. to convert into ether.
KERCHIEFEDkerchiefed adj. Wearing a kerchief.
KERCHIEF v. to wear a kerchief.
FOREWEIGHEDforeweighed v. Simple past tense and past participle of foreweigh.
FOREWEIGH v. (archaic) to estimate beforehand.
CHESTERFIELDchesterfield n. A couch, sofa, or love seat with padded arms and back of the same height, often curved outward at the top.
chesterfield n. (Canada) Any couch or sofa.
Chesterfield prop.n. Any of a number settlements.
CHESTERFIELDSchesterfields n. Plural of chesterfield.
Chesterfields n. Plural of Chesterfield.
FEATHEREDGINGfeatheredging v. Present participle of featheredge.
feather␣edging v. Present participle of feather edge.
FEATHEREDGE v. to provide with feathered edge.
FEATHERBEDDINGfeatherbedding v. Present participle of featherbed.
featherbedding n. (US) The employment of more workers than is necessary, typically because of labor union rules (or sometimes…
feather-bedding v. Present participle of feather-bed.
FEATHERBRAINEDfeatherbrained adj. Alternative spelling of feather-brained.
feather-brained adj. Foolish, scatterbrained.
FEATHERBRAINED adj. foolish.
FEATHERBEDDINGSFEATHERBEDDING n. protecting (an industry, workers, etc.) by such practices as overmanning in order to save jobs.
FEATHERSTITCHEDfeatherstitched v. Simple past tense and past participle of featherstitch.
FEATHERSTITCH v. to stitch with featherstitch.
FORESIGHTEDNESSforesightedness n. The quality of having foresight.
foresightedness n. The prudent exercise of common sense when planning for the future.
FORESIGHTEDNESS n. the state of being foresighted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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