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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing D, E, 2I, O, R and 2S

DERISIONSderisions n. Plural of derision.
DERISION n. the act of deriding.
DISSEISORdisseisor n. Alternative form of disseizor.
DISSEISOR n. one who deprives another of seisin, also DISSEIZOR.
DISSEIZORdisseizor n. (Law) One who wrongfully disseizes, or puts another out of possession of a freehold.
DISSEIZOR n. one who deprives another of seisin, also DISSEISOR.
IDOLISERSidolisers n. Plural of idoliser.
IDOLISER n. one who idolises, also IDOLIZER.
IRONSIDESironsides n. Plural of ironside.
Ironsides n. Plural of Ironside.
IRONSIDE n. a man of great strength.
OXIDISERSoxidisers n. Plural of oxidiser.
OXIDISER n. an oxidant, also OXIDIZER.
PRESIDIOSpresidios n. Plural of presidio.
PRESIDIO n. (Spanish) a Spanish fort.
RESINOIDSresinoids n. Plural of resinoid.
RESINOID n. a resinous substance.
SIDEROSISsiderosis n. (Medicine) A form of pneumoconiosis caused by the inhalation of iron dust.
siderosis n. (Medicine) The accumulation of hemosiderin in various organs of the body by people with a diet rich in iron.
SIDEROSIS n. a sort of pneumonia occurring in iron workers, produced by the inhalation of particles of iron.
SIRONISEDSIRONISE v. to use a particular process to treat fabric to prevent wrinkling, also SIRONIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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