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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing D, E, 2I, N, O, R and T

CRETINOIDcretinoid adj. Of, pertaining to, or afflicted with cretinism.
cretinoid n. An individual who is afflicted with cretinism.
CRETINOID adj. resembling a cretin.
DETRITIONdetrition n. Attrition; erosion by friction.
DETRITION n. a wearing off or away.
DIRECTIONdirection n. A theoretical line (physically or mentally) followed from a point of origin or towards a destination…
direction n. A general trend for future action.
direction n. Guidance, instruction.
DISORIENTdisorient v. To cause to lose orientation or direction.
disorient v. To confuse or befuddle.
DISORIENT v. to confuse as to direction.
ERUDITIONerudition n. Profound knowledge acquired from learning and scholarship.
erudition n. The refinement, polish and knowledge that education confers.
ERUDITION n. learning.
INTROFIEDINTROFY v. to increase the wetting properties of.
PERDITIONperdition n. Eternal damnation.
perdition n. Hell.
perdition n. Absolute ruin; downfall.
REEDITIONreedition n. Alternative spelling of re-edition.
re-edition n. A new edition.
REEDITION n. the act of editing again.
RENDITIONrendition n. An interpretation or performance of an artwork, especially a musical score or musical work.
rendition n. A given visual reproduction of something.
rendition n. Translation between languages, or between forms of a language; a translated text or work.
RETINOIDSretinoids n. Plural of retinoid.
RETINOID n. a compound analogous to vitamin A.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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