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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing D, E, N, 2O, R and 2T

CONTORTEDNESScontortedness n. The quality of being contorted.
CONTORTEDNESS n. the state of being contorted.
COTRANSPORTEDcotransported v. Simple past tense and past participle of cotransport.
COTRANSPORT v. to transport jointly.
DECONSTRUCTORdeconstructor n. One who, or that which, deconstructs.
DECONSTRUCTOR n. one who deconstructs.
DECORTICATIONdecortication n. The removal of the surface layer, membrane, or fibrous cover of anything.
DECORTICATION n. the act of removing the outer coverings (as bark or husks) from something (as fiber or seed).
DEFORESTATIONdeforestation n. The process of destroying a forest and replacing it with something else, especially with an agricultural system.
deforestation n. (Computing theory) A transformation to eliminate intermediate data structures within a program.
DEFORESTATION n. the act of clearing forests.
DEMONSTRATIONdemonstration n. The act of demonstrating; showing or explaining something.
demonstration n. An event at which something will be demonstrated.
demonstration n. Expression of one’s feelings by outward signs.
DEMONSTRATORSdemonstrators n. Plural of demonstrator.
DEMONSTRATOR n. one that demonstrates.
DEMONSTRATORYdemonstratory adj. Serving to demonstrate something.
DEMONSTRATORY adj. serving to demonstrate.
DETERIORATIONdeterioration n. The process of making or growing worse, or the state of having grown worse.
DETERIORATION n. the act of deteriorating.
MONOSATURATEDmonosaturated adj. (Organic chemistry, of a glyceride) Having one saturated fatty acid.
MONOSATURATED adj. of or relating to fats that are liquid at room temperature, mostly deriving from nuts, avocados etc.
ODONTORNITHESODONTORNITHES n. fossil birds with teeth.
PERIODONTISTSperiodontists n. Plural of periodontist.
PERIODONTIST n. a dentist specialising in periodontics.
PERIODONTITISperiodontitis n. (Periodontology) A serious form or stage of periodontal disease which may lead to loss of bone and falling…
PERIODONTITIS n. inflammation of the tissues surrounding the teeth.
POSTMODERNISTpostmodernist adj. Postmodern.
postmodernist n. An advocate or follower of postmodernism.
POSTMODERNIST n. a follower of postmodernism.
POSTMODERNITYpostmodernity n. The state or condition of being postmodern.
postmodernity n. Something postmodern.
PROGLOTTIDEANPROGLOTTIDEAN adj. of or like a proglottis, a segment of a tapeworm.
RETRODICTIONSretrodictions n. Plural of retrodiction.
RETRODICTION n. the utilization of present information or ideas to infer or explain (a past event or state of affairs).
STERNOMASTOIDsternomastoid adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the sternum and the mastoid process.
TETRODOTOXINStetrodotoxins n. Plural of tetrodotoxin.
TETRODOTOXIN n. a deadly nerve poison found in a species of Japanese puffer fish, also TETROTOXIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 161 words
  • Scrabble in French: 59 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 115 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 38 words

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