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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing D, 2E, 2I, O, R and U

DEINOTHERIUMSdeinotheriums n. Plural of deinotherium.
DEINOTHERIUM n. an extinct elephantine mammal with downward-curving tusks, also DEINOTHERE, DINOTHERE, DINOTHERIUM.
DELIRIOUSNESSdeliriousness n. The characteristic of being delirious.
DELIRIOUS n. mentally confused, esp. through fever or other illness.
DEMERITORIOUSdemeritorious adj. Causing demerit.
DEMERITORIOUS adj. not meritorious.
DEREQUISITIONderequisition v. (Transitive) To return or release (something previously requisitioned).
DEREQUISITION v. to return (something that has been used for a military purpose) to civilian use.
DISCOURTESIESdiscourtesies n. Plural of discourtesy.
DISCOURTESY n. lack of courtesy.
DUMORTIERITESdumortierites n. Plural of dumortierite.
DUMORTIERITE n. (French) an orthorhombic borosilicate of aluminium occurring as small violet or blue needles or fibrous masses esp. in gneisses and schists.
EUDIOMETRICALeudiometrical adj. Of or relating to eudiometry.
EUDIOMETRICAL adj. relating to a eudiometer, also EUDIOMETRIC.
EXCURSIONISEDexcursionised v. Simple past tense and past participle of excursionise.
EXCURSIONISE v. to go on an excursion, also EXCURSIONIZE.
EXCURSIONIZEDexcursionized v. Simple past tense and past participle of excursionize.
EXCURSIONIZE v. to go on an excursion, also EXCURSIONISE.
OUTDELIVERINGoutdelivering v. Present participle of outdeliver.
OUTDELIVER v. to surpass in delivering.
OVERQUALIFIEDoverqualified adj. Having too many qualifications to be deemed appropriate for a (usually unskilled) job.
OVERQUALIFIED adj. having more education, training, or experience than a job calls for.
REQUISITIONEDrequisitioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of requisition.
REQUISITION v. to make a demand for supplies.
SERENDIPITOUSserendipitous adj. By serendipity; by unexpected good fortune.
serendipitous adj. Good, beneficial, favorable.
SERENDIPITOUS adj. obtained or characterized by serendipity.
TRINUCLEOTIDEtrinucleotide n. (Genetics) a codon containing three nucleotides.
TRINUCLEOTIDE n. a nucleotide consisting of three mononucleotides in combination.
UNSOLDIERLIKEunsoldierlike adj. Not soldierlike.
UNSOLDIERLIKE adj. not like a soldier.
UREDINIOSPOREurediniospore n. (Botany) A spore produced by a uredinium.
UREDINIOSPORE n. the thin-walled summer spore which is produced during the so-called Uredo stage of certain rusts, also UREDIOSPORE, UREDOSPORE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 119 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 51 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 93 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 122 words

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