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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing D, 2E, G, L, R, S and U

DAUGHTERLIESTDAUGHTERLY adj. as becomes a daughter, filial.
DEREGULATIONSderegulations n. Plural of deregulation.
DEREGULATION n. the act of removing restrictions and regulations.
DEXTROGLUCOSEdextroglucose n. (Archaic) dextrose (D-glucose) form of glucose.
DEXTROGLUCOSE n. a white soluble sweet-tasting crystalline solid that is the dextrorotatory isomer of glucose, aka dextrose.
GELANDESPRUNGgelandesprung n. (Skiing) A jump, usually over an obstacle, made in downhill skiing.
geländesprung n. (Skiing) Alternative form of gelandesprung.
GELANDESPRUNG n. a skiing jump from a crouch using both poles.
GRADUALNESSESGRADUALNESS n. the state of being gradual.
MADRIGALESQUEmadrigalesque adj. (Music) Reminiscent of a madrigal.
MADRIGALESQUE adj. somewhat in the style of a madrigal.
PRESCHEDULINGprescheduling v. Present participle of preschedule.
PRESCHEDULE v. to schedule in advance.
REGARDFULNESSregardfulness n. The quality of being regardful.
REGARDFUL n. heedful; observant.
RESCHEDULINGSreschedulings n. Plural of rescheduling.
RESCHEDULING n. the act of scheduling again.
SCULDUGGERIESsculduggeries n. Plural of sculduggery.
SCULDUGGERY n. underhand dealing, trickery, also SKULDUGGERY, SKULLDUGGERY.
SKULDUGGERIESskulduggeries n. Plural of skulduggery.
SKULDUGGERY n. underhand dealing, trickery, also SCULDUGGERY, SKULLDUGGERY.
SUPERDELEGATEsuperdelegate n. (US, politics) A member of the Democratic Party who has been selected to attend the national convention…
super-delegate n. Alternative spelling of superdelegate.
super␣delegate n. Alternative form of superdelegate.
UNDERLETTINGSunderlettings n. Plural of underletting.
UNDERLETTING n. the act of letting for less than the proper value.
UNDERSEALINGSUNDERSEALING n. coating parts of the underbody of a vehicle with a protective coating.
UNDESERVINGLYundeservingly adv. In an undeserving way.
UNDESERVING adv. not deserving.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 96 words
  • Scrabble in French: 37 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 52 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 25 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 14 words

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