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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing D, E, 2I, L, O, P and Y

DISEMPLOYINGdisemploying v. Present participle of disemploy.
DISEMPLOY v. to throw out of employment.
DISPITEOUSLYdispiteously adv. In a dispiteous manner.
DISPITEOUS adv. (obsolete) pitiless, malicious.
EPICYCLOIDALepicycloidal adj. Of or pertaining to an epicycloid.
EPICYCLOIDAL adj. of or like an epicycloid.
EPIDEMIOLOGYepidemiology n. (Sciences) The branch of science dealing with the spread and control of diseases, viruses, concepts…
epidemiology n. (Sciences) The epidemiological body of knowledge about a particular thing.
EPIDEMIOLOGY n. the study of diseases.
EPISODICALLYepisodically adv. In an episodic manner; in episodes.
EPISODICAL adv. pertaining to or contained in an episode, also EPISODAL, EPISODIAL, EPISODIC.
ERYSIPELOIDSERYSIPELOID n. an infective dermatitis mainly affecting the hands.
HYDROPHILIESHYDROPHILY n. an affinity for water.
HYDROPHILITEhydrophilite n. (Mineralogy) A soft white mineral formed from anhydrous calcium chloride.
HYDROPHILITE n. native calcium chloride.
HYPOPLOIDIEShypoploidies n. Plural of hypoploidy.
HYPOPLOIDY n. the state of being hypoploid, having a chromosome number a few below the normal diploid number.
PERFIDIOUSLYperfidiously adv. In a perfidious manner.
PERFIDIOUS adv. characterized by faithlessness or disloyalty.
PERIODICALLYperiodically adv. In a manner that is regular or periodic.
periodically adv. Intermittently or recurrently.
PERIODICAL adv. periodic.
POLYPEPTIDICpolypeptidic adj. Of or pertaining to a polypeptide.
POLYPEPTIDIC adj. of or like a polypeptide.
POLYPLOIDIESpolyploidies n. Plural of polyploidy.
POLYPLOIDY n. the condition of being polyploid.
PROPYLITISEDPROPYLITISE v. to become or turn into propylite, also PROPYLITIZE.
PROPYLITIZEDPROPYLITIZE v. to become or turn into propylite, also PROPYLITISE.
PYRROLIDINESpyrrolidines n. Plural of pyrrolidine.
PYRROLIDINE n. a colourless strongly alkaline heterocyclic base both occurring naturally and produced from pyrrole.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 44 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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