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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing D, E, H, L, N, R, S and U

DESULPHURINGdesulphuring v. Present participle of desulphur.
DESULPHUR v. to remove sulphur from, also DESULFUR.
ENSEPULCHREDensepulchred v. Simple past tense and past participle of ensepulchre.
ENSEPULCHRE v. to place in a sepulchre.
HORRENDOUSLYhorrendously adv. In a horrendous manner.
HORRENDOUS adv. fearful; frightful.
HUNDREDFOLDShundredfolds n. Plural of hundredfold.
HUNDREDFOLD n. a multiplication by one hundred.
MALNOURISHEDmalnourished adj. Suffering from malnutrition.
malnourished v. Simple past tense and past participle of malnourish.
MALNOURISHED adj. undernourished.
RELINQUISHEDrelinquished v. Simple past tense and past participle of relinquish.
RELINQUISH v. to withdraw or retreat from.
RESCHEDULINGrescheduling v. Present participle of reschedule.
rescheduling n. A change of schedule.
RESCHEDULING n. the act of scheduling again.
SHOULDERINGSshoulderings n. Plural of shouldering.
SHOULDERING n. the act of carrying on the shoulder.
SHUDDERINGLYshudderingly adv. With a shuddering motion.
SHUDDERING adv. trembling.
SOUTHLANDERSSouthlanders n. Plural of Southlander.
SOUTHLANDER n. one who lives in the south.
THUNDERBOLTSthunderbolts n. Plural of thunderbolt.
THUNDERBOLT n. a flash of lightning conceived as a bolt hurled from the heavens.
THUNDERCLAPSthunderclaps n. Plural of thunderclap.
thunder␣claps n. Plural of thunder clap.
THUNDERCLAP n. a clap of thunder.
THUNDERFLASHthunderflash n. (Military) A pyrotechnic device that generates a loud noise, used to simulate battlefield conditions.
THUNDERFLASH n. a container, such as a blank shell, filled with explosive powder, which makes a flash and a loud explosion when detonated.
THUNDEROUSLYthunderously adv. In a thunderous manner, very loudly.
THUNDEROUS adv. sounding like thunder, also THUNDROUS.
UNDERCLOTHESunderclothes n. (Plural only) clothes worn next to the skin and underneath outer clothing.
under␣clothes n. Alternative spelling of underclothes.
UNDERCLOTHES n. clothes worn under one's outer clothing.
UNHYDROLYSEDunhydrolysed adj. Alternative spelling of unhydrolyzed.
UNHYDROLYSED adj. not hydrolysed, also UNHYDROLYZED.
UNSEPULCHREDunsepulchred adj. Not laid in a sepulchre.
UNSEPULCHRED adj. not sepulchred.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 66 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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