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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing D, E, G, I, 2N, P and S

ANTISPENDINGantispending adj. (Politics) Opposed to or combating spending, especially government spending.
ANTISPENDING adj. opposed to spending.
DEPLENISHINGdeplenishing v. Present participle of deplenish.
DEPLENISH v. to deprive of contents, such as furniture, stock, etc.
DESPONDINGLYdespondingly adv. In a desponding manner.
DESPONDING adv. hopeless.
FORESPENDINGforespending v. Present participle of forespend.
FORESPEND v. to wear out physically, also FORSPEND.
MANSPREADINGmanspreading n. (Informal, derogatory) The practice of men splaying their legs open wide when sitting on public transport…
manspreading v. Present participle of manspread.
MANSPREADING n. the practice by a male passenger on public transport of sitting with his legs wide apart, so denying space to passengers beside him.
OVERSPENDINGoverspending v. Present participle of overspend.
overspending n. The spending of too much money.
OVERSPENDING n. excessive spending.
PARASCENDINGparascending n. Parasailing.
PARASCENDING n. a sport similar to paragliding, the participant being towed into the wind behind a motor vehicle.
PLODDINGNESSploddingness n. The state or quality of being plodding.
PLODDINGNESS n. the state of being plodding.
PREDESIGNINGpredesigning v. Present participle of predesign.
PREDESIGN v. to design in advance.
PREDESTININGpredestining v. Present participle of predestine.
PREDESTINE v. to decree beforehand.
RESUSPENDINGresuspending v. Present participle of resuspend.
RESUSPEND v. to suspend again.
ROPEDANCINGSROPEDANCING n. the sport of dancing with a rope.
SANDPAPERINGsandpapering v. Present participle of sandpaper.
sandpapering n. An application of sandpaper.
SANDPAPERING n. the act of smoothing or polishing with sandpaper.
SPELLBINDINGspellbinding adj. Engrossing; fascinating; gaining rapt attention; captivating.
spellbinding adj. Having the power to bind magically through the agency of a spell.
SPELLBIND v. to bind by or as by a spell.
STEPDANCINGSSTEPDANCING n. doing a step dance.
UNDERPRISINGUNDERPRISE v. (obsolete) to value too little.
UNDESPAIRINGundespairing adj. Not despairing.
UNDESPAIRING adj. not despairing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 8 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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