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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing D, 2E, H, I, L and 2S

CANDLEFISHEScandlefishes n. Plural of candlefish.
CANDLEFISH n. a marine fish, allied to the smelt, found on the north Pacific coast, aka eulachon, so named because it is so oily that, when dried, it may be used as a candle, by drawing a wick through it.
CHILDERMASESChildermases prop.n. Plural of Childermas.
CHILDERMAS n. a church festival held on December 28, Holy Innocents' Day.
DAMSELFISHESdamselfishes n. Plural of damselfish.
DAMSELFISH n. a small brightly-coloured tropical fish.
DESULPHURISEdesulphurise v. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of desulfurize (American spelling).
DESULPHURISE v. to remove the sulphur from a compound, also DESULFURISE, DESULFURIZE, DESULPHURIZE.
DEVILISHNESSdevilishness n. The state or quality of being devilish.
DEVILISHNESS n. the state of being devilish.
DISEMBELLISHdisembellish v. (Transitive) To deprive of embellishment; to disadorn.
DISEMBELLISH v. to deprive of embellishment.
DISPLENISHEDdisplenished v. Simple past tense and past participle of displenish.
DISPLENISH v. to deprive or strip, as a house of furniture, or a barn of stock.
DISPLENISHESdisplenishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of displenish.
DISPLENISH v. to deprive or strip, as a house of furniture, or a barn of stock.
DITHELETISMSDITHELETISM n. the doctrine that Christ on earth had two wills, also DITHELISM, DIOTHELISM, DYOTHELISM.
HEMODIALYSEShemodialyses n. Plural of hemodialysis.
NEEDLEFISHESneedlefishes n. Plural of needlefish.
NEEDLEFISH n. the European great pipefish.
PADDLEFISHESpaddlefishes n. Plural of paddlefish.
PADDLEFISH n. a member of the sturgeon family, aka spadefish.
PSYCHEDELIASpsychedelias n. Plural of psychedelia.
PSYCHEDELIA n. the production of, or the culture associated with, psychedelic experiences, also PSYCHODELIA.
PSYCHEDELICSpsychedelics n. Plural of psychedelic.
psychedelics n. Visual stimulation in the form of intense colors and moving patterns.
PSYCHEDELIC n. a psychedelic drug, such as LSD.
SCHILLERISEDschillerised v. Simple past tense and past participle of schillerise.
SCHILLERISE v. to give a bronze lustre to, also SCHILLERIZE.
SCHINDYLESESschindyleses n. Plural of schindylesis.
SCHINDYLESIS n. an articulation formed by the fitting of the crest of one bone into the groove of another.
SHIRTSLEEVEDshirtsleeved adj. Dressed in one’s shirt sleeves.
SHIRTSLEEVED adj. in shirtsleeves, i.e. not wearing a jacket.
SIDEROPHILESsiderophiles n. Plural of siderophile.
SIDEROPHILE n. an element with an affinity for iron, whose geochemical distribution is influenced by this property.
SIDEWHEELERSsidewheelers n. Plural of sidewheeler.
side-wheelers n. Plural of side-wheeler.
side␣wheelers n. Plural of side wheeler.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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