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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing D, 2E, G, I, M, N and O

DEMONETISINGdemonetising v. Present participle of demonetise.
DEMONETISE v. to deprive of monetary value; to withdraw from circulation, also DEMONETIZE.
DEMONETIZINGdemonetizing v. Present participle of demonetize.
DEMONETIZE v. to deprive of current value; to withdraw from use, as money, also DEMONETISE.
DEMONOLOGIESdemonologies n. Plural of demonology.
DEMONOLOGY n. the study of demons.
DIEZEUGMENONdiezeugmenon n. (Music) The last tetrachord, in the case where two tetrachords were placed separately from each other…
DIEZEUGMENON n. a term in Greek prosody.
DISGORGEMENTdisgorgement n. The act of disgorging, particularly in the legal sense.
DISGORGEMENT n. the act of disgorging.
DISLODGEMENTdislodgement n. The state or process of being dislodged.
DISLODGEMENT n. the act of dislodging, also DISLODGMENT.
DYNAMOGENIESDYNAMOGENY n. production of increased nervous activity, also DYNAMOGENESIS.
EMBROIDERINGembroidering v. Present participle of embroider.
embroidering n. An embroidered decoration.
EMBROIDER v. to ornament with designs in needlework, also BROIDER.
ENFREEDOMINGenfreedoming v. Present participle of enfreedom.
ENFREEDOM v. (Shakespeare) to set free, also ENFREE.
GEOMEDICINESGEOMEDICINE n. the study of diseases as influenced by the geographical environment.
HOMESTEADINGhomesteading v. Present participle of homestead.
HOMESTEADING n. (US) a scheme by which people are permitted to buy, or live rent-free in, semi-derelict buildings and improve them with the help of Government grants, etc.
MISKNOWLEDGEmisknowledge n. Misapprehension; imperfect or incorrect knowledge; misunderstanding.
MISKNOWLEDGE n. erroneous knowledge.
MONEYLENDINGmoneylending n. The practice of lending money.
MONEYLENDING n. the business of lending money.
NONPIGMENTEDnonpigmented adj. Not pigmented.
RECOMMENDINGrecommending v. Present participle of recommend.
RECOMMEND v. to commend or introduce as suitable for acceptance.
REMODELLINGSremodellings n. Plural of remodelling.
REMODELLING n. the act of modelling again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 67 words
  • Scrabble in French: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 42 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 58 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 10 words

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