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There are 18 words containing D, M, 2N, P and 2S

BONDMANSHIPSBONDMANSHIP n. the state of being a bondsman.
COMMANDANTSHIPScommandantships n. Plural of commandantship.
COMMANDANTSHIP n. the office of commandant.
COMPENDIOUSNESScompendiousness n. The state or quality of being compendious.
COMPENDIOUSNESS n. the state of being compendious.
DECOMPENSATIONSdecompensations n. Plural of decompensation.
DECOMPENSATION n. the failure of an organ to cope with increasing demands made on it owing to disease.
DISAPPOINTMENTSdisappointments n. Plural of disappointment.
DISAPPOINTMENT n. the act or an instance of disappointing.
DISIMPRISONINGdisimprisoning v. Present participle of disimprison.
DISIMPRISON v. to free from prison or restraint.
DISIMPRISONMENTdisimprisonment n. Release from prison.
DISIMPRISONMENT n. the act of freeing from prison.
DISPLENISHMENTdisplenishment n. The process of displenishing; a stripping or emptying of contents.
DISPLENISHMENT n. the act of displenishing.
DISPLENISHMENTSdisplenishments n. Plural of displenishment.
DISPLENISHMENT n. the act of displenishing.
IMPASSIONEDNESSimpassionedness n. The quality of being impassioned.
IMPASSIONEDNESS n. the state of being impassioned.
IMPUDENTNESSimpudentness n. Quality of being impudent.
IMPUDENTNESS n. the state of being impudent.
IMPUDENTNESSESIMPUDENTNESS n. the state of being impudent.
MANSPREADINGSMANSPREADING n. the practice by a male passenger on public transport of sitting with his legs wide apart, so denying space to passengers beside him.
MISSPENDINGmisspending n. Improper, wasteful, or incorrect spending; squandering.
misspending v. Present participle of misspend.
MISSPEND v. to spend unwisely.
OPENMOUTHEDNESSOPENMOUTHEDNESS n. the state of being openmouthed.
SEMIDEPONENTSsemideponents n. Plural of semideponent.
semi-deponents n. Plural of semi-deponent.
SEMIDEPONENT n. a semideponent verb.
SUPERDOMINANTSsuperdominants n. Plural of superdominant.
SUPERDOMINANT n. the submediant or 6th tone of the diatonic scale.
UNIMPASSIONEDunimpassioned adj. Not impassioned; lacking passion; without emotion.
UNIMPASSIONED adj. not impassioned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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