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There are 15 words containing D, L, N, O, P, U and V

UNDEVELOPEDundeveloped adj. Not developed or used.
undeveloped adj. Not built on, unbuilt; not ready for building on.
undeveloped adj. Lagging behind others, especially in economic or social matters.
POSTDILUVIANpostdiluvian adj. Postdiluvial.
postdiluvian n. One who lived after the Biblical Flood.
POSTDILUVIAN adj. pertaining to the period after the Biblical flood or any great flood.
UNDERDEVELOPunderdevelop v. To develop insufficiently.
UNDERDEVELOP v. to develop insufficiently.
UNPAVILIONEDunpavilioned adj. (Poetic) Without a pavilion.
UNPAVILIONED adj. not pavilioned.
UNPROVIDEDLYunprovidedly adv. (Archaic) Without being provided for.
unprovidedly adv. (Obsolete) Unguardedly.
UNPROVIDED adv. UNPROVIDE, (Shakespeare) to deprive of necessary provision.
UNPROVOKEDLYunprovokedly adv. Without provocation.
UNPROVOKED adv. UNPROVOKE, (Shakespeare) to counteract the provocation of.
POSTDILUVIANSpostdiluvians n. Plural of postdiluvian.
POSTDILUVIAN n. someone or something occurring in such a period.
UNDERDEVELOPSunderdevelops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underdevelop.
UNDERDEVELOP v. to develop insufficiently.
PREDEVALUATIONpredevaluation adj. (Economics) Before devaluation.
PREDEVALUATION adj. preceding a devaluation.
SUBDEVELOPMENTsubdevelopment n. A development making up part of a larger development.
SUBDEVELOPMENT n. a subdivision of a development.
UNDERDEVELOPEDunderdeveloped adj. Immature and not fully developed.
underdeveloped adj. Having a low level of economic productivity and technological sophistication.
underdeveloped adj. (Photography) of a film that has had insufficient development before being fixed.
UNPRODUCTIVELYunproductively adv. In an unproductive manner.
UNPRODUCTIVE adv. not productive.
POSTDEVALUATIONpostdevaluation adj. After a financial devaluation.
POSTDEVALUATION adj. taking place after devaluation.
SUBDEVELOPMENTSsubdevelopments n. Plural of subdevelopment.
SUBDEVELOPMENT n. a subdivision of a development.
UNDERDEVELOPINGunderdeveloping v. Present participle of underdevelop.
UNDERDEVELOP v. to develop insufficiently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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