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There are 19 words containing D, L, M, O, R and 2U

MURDEROUSLYmurderously adv. In a murderous manner; as if wanting to commit murder; extremely angrily.
MURDEROUS adv. inclined to murder.
CURMUDGEONLYcurmudgeonly adj. Characteristic of a curmudgeon; churlish.
CURMUDGEONLY adj. like a curmudgeon.
MULTIPRODUCTmultiproduct adj. Involving more than one type of product.
MULTIPRODUCT adj. featuring many products.
UNFORMULATEDunformulated adj. Not formulated.
UNFORMULATED adj. not formulated.
CIRCUMLOCUTEDcircumlocuted v. Simple past tense and past participle of circumlocute.
CIRCUMLOCUTE v. to use circumlocution.
MULTIAUTHOREDmultiauthored adj. Written by more than one author.
MULTICOLOUREDmulticoloured adj. Alternative spelling of multicolored.
multi-coloured adj. Britain standard spelling of multi-colored.
MULTICOLOURED adj. having many colours, also MULTICOLORED.
MULTIPRODUCTSSorry, definition not available.
OVERMULTITUDEovermultitude v. (Obsolete, nonce word, transitive) To outnumber.
OVERMULTITUDE v. (Milton) to outnumber.
CURMUDGEONLIERcurmudgeonlier adj. Comparative form of curmudgeonly: more curmudgeonly.
CURMUDGEONLY adj. like a curmudgeon.
MULTICONDUCTORmulticonductor adj. Comprising more than one electrical conductor.
MULTICONDUCTOR adj. having many conductors.
CURMUDGEONLIESTcurmudgeonliest adj. Superlative form of curmudgeonly: most curmudgeonly.
CURMUDGEONLY adj. like a curmudgeon.
DEUTERANOMALOUSdeuteranomalous adj. Having or relating to deuteranomaly.
DEUTERANOMALOUS adj. exhibiting partial loss of green color vision so that an increased intensity of green is required in a mixture of red and green to match a given yellow.
IMMUNOMODULATORimmunomodulator n. A drug used for its effect on the immune system.
IMMUNOMODULATOR n. a substance that affects the functioning of the immune system.
INFUNDIBULIFORMinfundibuliform adj. Having the shape of a funnel or cone.
INFUNDIBULIFORM adj. shaped like a funnel.
MULTICONDUCTORSSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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