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There are 19 words containing D, I, M, P, 2R and U

CARDIOPULMONARYcardiopulmonary adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to both the heart and the lungs.
CARDIOPULMONARY adj. of or relating to the heart and lungs.
CRYPTOSPORIDIUMcryptosporidium n. Any protozoan of the genus Cryptosporidium, intestinal parasites of humans and other vertebrates that…
Cryptosporidium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cryptosporidiidae – coccidian protozoan parasites causing the disease…
CRYPTOSPORIDIUM n. any of a genus of protozoans parasitic in the gut of vertebrates including humans and sometimes causing diarrhea.
DISTEMPERATUREdistemperature n. (Now rare) A state of adverse or unhealthy atmospheric conditions.
distemperature n. (Now rare) Unhealthy imbalance of bodily humours; a disorder.
DISTEMPERATURE n. (archaic) lack of proper temperature; intemperateness.
DISTEMPERATURESdistemperatures n. Plural of distemperature.
DISTEMPERATURE n. (archaic) lack of proper temperature; intemperateness.
DURCHKOMPONIERTDURCHKOMPONIERT adj. (German) having the music especially adapted to each stanza, also DURCHKOMPONIRT.
DURCHKOMPONIRTDURCHKOMPONIRT adj. (German) having the music especially adapted to each stanza, also DURCHKOMPONIERT.
MACROPRUDENTIALmacroprudential adj. (Economics) Relating to systemic prudence, especially to the strengths and vulnerabilities of financial systems.
MACROPRUDENTIAL adj. of or relating to regulations designed to prevent financial institutions from taking risks that could endanger the financial system as a whole.
PANDURIFORMpanduriform adj. (Botany, rare) Pandurate.
PANDURIFORM adj. fiddle-shaped, e.g. of leaves, also PANDURATE, PANDURATED.
PARLOURMAIDparlourmaid n. (Britain) A maid who takes care of the parlour.
PARLOURMAID n. a female servant in a private home who serves at the table, keeps the house clean and answers the door to guests.
PARLOURMAIDSparlourmaids n. Plural of parlourmaid.
PARLOURMAID n. a female servant in a private home who serves at the table, keeps the house clean and answers the door to guests.
PERICARDIUMpericardium n. (Anatomy, cardiology) A serous membrane that surrounds the heart allowing it to contract.
PERICARDIUM n. a membranous sac containing the heart.
PERICARDIUMSpericardiums n. Plural of pericardium.
PERICARDIUM n. a membranous sac containing the heart.
PERICHONDRIUMperichondrium n. (Anatomy) a dense layer of fibrous connective tissue surrounding the cartilage of developing bone.
PERICHONDRIUM n. a fibrous membrane covering cartilage except at joints.
PREMANDIBULARpremandibular adj. In front of the lower jaw.
premandibular n. A bone in front of the lower jaw in some reptiles.
PREMANDIBULAR adj. in front of the lower jaw.
PREMANDIBULARSpremandibulars n. Plural of premandibular.
PREMANDIBULAR n. a bone so placed in fishes, etc.
PRIMORDIUMprimordium n. (Anatomy) An aggregation of cells that is the first stage in the development of an organ.
PRIMORDIUM n. (Latin) the first discernible rudiment.
UNDERPERFORMINGunderperforming v. Present participle of underperform.
underperforming adj. That performs less well than required.
UNDERPERFORM v. to perform insufficiently.
UNDERTRUMPINGundertrumping v. Present participle of undertrump.
UNDERTRUMP v. to play a lower trump on a trick to which a higher trump has already been played.
UNREPRIMANDEDunreprimanded adj. Not having received a reprimand.
UNREPRIMANDED adj. not reprimanded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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