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There are 17 words containing D, I, 2L, 2U and Y

AUDIOVISUALLYaudiovisually adv. In an audiovisual way; through sound and image.
AUDIOVISUAL adv. relating to hearing and sight.
DISGUSTFULLYdisgustfully adv. (Archaic) In a way that inspires disgust.
DISGUSTFUL adv. provoking disgust.
DISTRUSTFULLYdistrustfully adv. In a distrustful manner.
DISTRUSTFUL adv. having or showing distrust.
DULCILOQUYdulciloquy n. A soft manner of speaking; gentle speech.
DULCILOQUY n. a soft manner of speaking.
DUPLICITOUSLYduplicitously adv. In a duplicitous, two-faced manner.
DUPLICITOUS adv. given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech.
DUTIFULLYdutifully adv. With a regard to duty; in a dutiful manner.
DUTIFUL adv. obedient.
INCREDULOUSLYincredulously adv. In an incredulous manner; tending to disbelieve; skeptically.
INCREDULOUS adv. unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true.
LUDICROUSLYludicrously adv. In a ludicrous manner.
LUDICROUS adv. ridiculous.
MULTITUDINOUSLYmultitudinously adv. In a multitudinous way.
MULTITUDINOUS adv. existing in a great multitude.
PLATITUDINOUSLYplatitudinously adv. In the manner of a platitude.
PLATITUDINOUS adv. characterized by or resembling a platitude, also PLATITUDINAL.
RIDICULOUSLYridiculously adv. In a ridiculous manner. In a way that is funny, embarrassing or extremely implausible.
ridiculously adv. (Degree) extremely; very.
RIDICULOUS adv. arousing or deserving ridicule.
STRIDULOUSLYstridulously adv. In a stridulous manner.
STRIDULOUS adv. squeaky.
UNDULATINGLYundulatingly adv. In an undulating manner.
UNDULATING adv. UNDULATE, to move with a wavelike motion.
UNDUTIFULLYundutifully adv. In an undutiful manner.
UNDUTIFUL adv. not dutiful.
UNMELODIOUSLYunmelodiously adv. In an unmelodious manner.
UNMINDFULLYunmindfully adv. In an unmindful fashion; without mindfulness.
UNMINDFUL adv. not mindful.
UNQUALIFIEDLYunqualifiedly adv. In an unqualified manner.
UNQUALIFIED adv. UNQUALIFY, to disqualify; to unfit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 134 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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