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There are 18 words containing D, 2I, L, M, N and V

VINDEMIALvindemial adj. Of or pertaining to a vintage, or grape harvest.
VINDEMIAL adj. (archaic) pertaining to the vintage.
INVALIDISMinvalidism n. The condition of an invalid; sickness; infirmity.
INVALIDISM n. the condition of an invalid.
DIMINUTIVALdiminutival adj. Indicating diminution; diminutive.
DIMINUTIVAL adj. relating to or like a diminutive.
INVALIDISMSinvalidisms n. Plural of invalidism.
INVALIDISM n. the condition of an invalid.
VERMILIONEDvermilioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of vermilion.
VERMILION v. to make vermilion.
DIMINUTIVELYdiminutively adv. In a diminutive manner.
DIMINUTIVE adv. small.
IMPROVIDENTLYimprovidently adv. In an improvident manner.
IMPROVIDENT adv. lacking foresight, thoughtless, also UNPROVIDENT.
INDIVIDUALISMindividualism n. The tendency for a person to act without reference to others, particularly in matters of style, fashion…
individualism n. The moral stance, political philosophy, or social outlook that promotes independence and self-reliance…
individualism n. (Logic) The doctrine that only individual things are real.
MISDELIVERINGmisdelivering v. Present participle of misdeliver.
MISDEVELOPINGmisdeveloping v. Present participle of misdevelop.
MISDEVELOP v. to develop wrongly.
DENOMINATIVELYdenominatively adv. By denomination.
DENOMINATIVE adv. giving a title.
DISEMVOWELLINGdisemvowelling v. Present participle of disemvowel.
DISEMVOWEL v. to remove the vowels from (a word in a text message, email, etc.) in order to abbreviate it.
INDIVIDUALISMSindividualisms n. Plural of individualism.
INDIVIDUALISM n. belief that individual interests and rights are paramount.
NOVEMDECILLIONnovemdecillion num. (US; modern British & Australian, short scale, rare) 1060.
novemdecillion num. (Dated British & Australian, long scale, rare) 10114.
novemdecillion num. A very large number.
DETERMINATIVELYdeterminatively adv. In a determinative manner.
DETERMINATIVE adv. having power or tendency to determine.
MULTIDIVISIONALmultidivisional adj. Of or pertaining to more than one division.
MULTIDIVISIONAL adj. comprising many divisions.
NOVEMDECILLIONSnovemdecillions n. Plural of novemdecillion.
NOVEMDECILLION n. ten to the 114th power.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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