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There are 17 words containing D, H, N, 2O, T and W

DOWNTHROWdownthrow n. (Geology) A depression of the strata on one side of a fault.
downthrow n. Ruin; defeat.
DOWNTHROW n. a state of being thrown down.
SHOOTDOWNshootdown n. The shooting down of an aircraft, satellite, etc.
shoot␣down v. (Transitive) To cause to fall by shooting.
shoot␣down v. (Transitive, idiomatic) To criticize a (request) to the point of preclusion.
THROWDOWNthrowdown n. (Slang, wrestling) A fall, indicating defeat.
throwdown n. (Slang, rare) A weapon planted at a crime scene in order to mislead investigation, especially in situations…
throwdown n. (Slang, basketball) A slam dunk.
TOUCHDOWNtouchdown n. (American football, Canadian football) A six-point score occurring when the ball enters possession of…
touchdown n. (Rugby) A defensive action of grounding the ball in the team’s own in-goal to stop the play.
touchdown n. (Rugby) A try (scoring play of grounding the ball in the opposing team’s in-goal).
DOWNTHROWSdownthrows n. Plural of downthrow.
DOWNTHROW n. a state of being thrown down.
SHOOTDOWNSshootdowns n. Plural of shootdown.
SHOOTDOWN n. the act of shooting down aircraft.
THROWDOWNSthrowdowns n. Plural of throwdown.
throw-downs n. Plural of throw-down.
THROWDOWN n. a challenge, esp. to a physical or artistic competition.
TOUCHDOWNStouchdowns n. Plural of touchdown.
TOUCHDOWN n. an act of touching the ground behind the opposing side's goal with the ball while it is held in the hands, to score points.
UNWITHSTOODunwithstood adj. Unopposed, not resisted.
UNWITHSTOOD adj. not withstood.
WITHINDOORSwithindoors adv. Alternative form of within-doors.
within-doors adv. (Dated) indoors.
WITHINDOORS adv. indoors.
DOOMWATCHINGDOOMWATCHING n. the act of keeping an eye on the environment.
SOUTHERNWOODsouthernwood n. An aromatic shrub, Artemisia abrotanum, related to wormwood.
SOUTHERNWOOD n. an aromatic South European shrub of the wormwood genus.
UNROADWORTHYunroadworthy adj. Describing a vehicle which is not safe for use on the road.
UNROADWORTHY adj. not roadworthy.
DOOMWATCHINGSDOOMWATCHING n. the act of keeping an eye on the environment.
SOUTHERNWOODSsouthernwoods n. Plural of southernwood.
SOUTHERNWOOD n. an aromatic South European shrub of the wormwood genus.
ROADWORTHINESSroadworthiness n. The property of being roadworthy.
ROADWORTHINESS n. the state of being roadworthy.
OVERWITHHOLDINGoverwithholding v. Present participle of overwithhold.
OVERWITHHOLD v. to withhold excessively.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 812 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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