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There are 20 words containing D, H, 2N, P, R and T

HANDPRINThandprint n. A mark or trace left by a hand, including more than fingerprints.
HANDPRINT n. the mark of a hand.
HANDPRINTShandprints n. Plural of handprint.
HANDPRINT n. the mark of a hand.
PENTAHEDRONpentahedron n. A solid geometric figure with five faces.
PENTAHEDRON n. a five-sided solid figure.
ODONTOPHORANODONTOPHORAN n. an odontophore, the rasping apparatus in molluscs.
PENTAHEDRONSpentahedrons n. Plural of pentahedron.
PENTAHEDRON n. a five-sided solid figure.
UPTHUNDERINGupthundering v. Present participle of upthunder.
UPTHUNDER v. to send up a noise like thunder.
DINITROPHENOLdinitrophenol n. (Organic chemistry) Any of six isomeric aromatic compounds C6H3OH(NO2)2 formed by the nitration of phenol;…
DINITROPHENOL n. any of six isomeric crystalline compounds some of whose derivatives are pesticides.
GONADOTROPHINgonadotrophin n. Any of a group of protein hormones secreted by gonadotrope cells of the pituitary gland of vertebrates.
GONADOTROPHIN n. a substance that stimulates the gonads.
INDENTURESHIPindentureship n. The condition of being indentured.
indentureship n. The period during which a person is indentured.
INDENTURESHIP n. the state of being indentured.
ODONTOPHORANSODONTOPHORAN n. an odontophore, the rasping apparatus in molluscs.
COUNTERPUNCHEDcounterpunched v. Simple past tense and past participle of counterpunch.
COUNTERPUNCH v. to return a punch or blow.
DINITROPHENOLSdinitrophenols n. Plural of dinitrophenol.
DINITROPHENOL n. any of six isomeric crystalline compounds some of whose derivatives are pesticides.
ENDOCRINOPATHYendocrinopathy n. (Pathology) Any disease of the endocrine system.
ENDOCRINOPATHY n. any disease due to disorder of the endocrine system.
GONADOTROPHINSgonadotrophins n. Plural of gonadotrophin.
GONADOTROPHIN n. a substance that stimulates the gonads.
HYPEREXTENDINGhyperextending v. Present participle of hyperextend.
HYPEREXTEND v. to extend so that the angle between bones of a joint is greater than normal.
INDENTURESHIPSindentureships n. Plural of indentureship.
INDENTURESHIP n. the state of being indentured.
ENDOCRINOPATHICendocrinopathic adj. (Pathology) Relating to endocrinopathy.
ENDOCRINOPATHIC adj. of a disease, due to disorder of the endocrine system.
GRANDPARENTHOODgrandparenthood n. The state of being a grandparent.
GRANDPARENTHOOD n. the state of being a grandparent.
OPENHEARTEDNESSopenheartedness n. Alternative form of open-heartedness.
open-heartedness n. Frankness; candor and sincerity.
open-heartedness n. Generosity and kindness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 671 words
  • Scrabble in French: 34 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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