HYDROMORPHIC | • hydromorphic adj. Synonym of hydric (“requiring moisture”). • hydromorphic adj. (Soil science) Formed in the presence of an excess of water. • HYDROMORPHIC adj. developed in the presence of an excess of moisture which tends to suppress aerobic factors in soil-building. |
HYDROTHERMAL | • hydrothermal adj. Of, or relating to hot water. • hydrothermal adj. (Geology) Of or relating to emanations of hot water that are rich in minerals, or to the rocks formed from them. • HYDROTHERMAL adj. designating naturally hot underground water that has geological effects. |
IDIORHYTHMIC | • idiorhythmic adj. Having its own rhythm or style. • IDIORHYTHMIC adj. self-regulating; allowing each member to regulate his or her own life, also IDIORRHYTHMIC. |
HYPOCHONDRIUM | • hypochondrium n. (Anatomy) The upper region of the abdomen, below the lower ribs, each side of the epigastrium. • HYPOCHONDRIUM n. either of two regions of the upper part of the abdomen. |
IDIORRHYTHMIC | • idiorrhythmic adj. (Christianity) self-regulating; usually referring to a form of monastic life where monks live alone… • IDIORRHYTHMIC adj. self-regulating; allowing each member to regulate his or her own life, also IDIORHYTHMIC. |
HYDROMECHANICS | • hydromechanics n. (Physics) fluid mechanics, especially when dealing with water. • HYDROMECHANICS n. the study of movement in liquids, also HYDRODYNAMICS. |
HYDROTHERMALLY | • hydrothermally adv. By hydrothermal means. • HYDROTHERMAL adv. designating naturally hot underground water that has geological effects. |
HYPOCHONDRIASM | • hypochondriasm n. Hypochondriasis. • HYPOCHONDRIASM n. hypochondria. |
HYPOTHYROIDISM | • hypothyroidism n. (Pathology) The disease state caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. • HYPOTHYROIDISM n. deficient activity of the thyroid gland. |
DYSMORPHOPHOBIA | • dysmorphophobia n. (Dated, psychiatry) body dysmorphic disorder, dysmorphia. • DYSMORPHOPHOBIA n. fear of physical deformities. |
DYSMORPHOPHOBIC | • dysmorphophobic adj. (Psychiatry) Of or relating to dysmorphophobia. • DYSMORPHOPHOBIC adj. relating to or affected with dysmorphophobia, the fear that one's body is repulsive. |
HYDROMECHANICAL | • hydromechanical adj. Of or pertaining to hydromechanics. • HYDROMECHANICAL adj. relating to a branch of mechanics that deals with the equilibrium and motion of fluids and of solid bodies immersed in them. |
HYPERTHYROIDISM | • hyperthyroidism n. (Medicine) The excessive production of hormones by the thyroid. • hyperthyroidism n. (Pathology) The pathological condition resulting from these excess hormones. • HYPERTHYROIDISM n. excessive functional activity of the thyroid gland. |
HYPOTHYROIDISMS | • hypothyroidisms n. Plural of hypothyroidism. • HYPOTHYROIDISM n. deficient activity of the thyroid gland. |