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There are 19 words containing D, 2H, L, N, O and S

CHILIAHEDRONSchiliahedrons n. Plural of chiliahedron.
CHILIAHEDRON n. (Greek) a one-thousand sided solid figure.
CHLORHEXIDINESCHLORHEXIDINE n. an antiseptic compound used in skin cleansers, mouthwashes, etc.
CHLOROHYDRINSchlorohydrins n. Plural of chlorohydrin.
CHLOROHYDRIN n. any of various organic compounds derived from diols or polyhydroxy alcohols by substitution of chlorine for part of the hydroxyl groups.
CHLORTHALIDONESCHLORTHALIDONE n. a diuretic used in the treatment of oedema, hypertension, and diabetes insipidus.
DICHLOROETHANESdichloroethanes n. Plural of dichloroethane.
DICHLOROETHANE n. a colorless toxic liquid compound that is used chiefly as a solvent.
DOLPHINFISHdolphinfish n. A large food and game fish of the Coryphaenidae family which is commonly found in tropical and subtropical waters.
dolphin␣fish n. Alternative form of dolphinfish.
DOLPHINFISH n. a fish of genus Coryphaea, noted for the brilliance of its colours.
DOLPHINFISHESdolphinfishes n. Plural of dolphinfish.
dolphin␣fishes n. Plural of dolphin fish.
DOLPHINFISH n. a fish of genus Coryphaea, noted for the brilliance of its colours.
HANDHOLDShandholds n. Plural of handhold.
hand-holds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hand-hold.
HANDHOLD n. a handgrip.
HELLHOUNDShellhounds n. Plural of hellhound.
hell-hounds n. Plural of hell-hound.
hell␣hounds n. Plural of hell hound.
HOLOHEDRONSholohedrons n. Plural of holohedron.
HOLOHEDRON n. a geometrical form possessing the property of holohedrism.
PHILANTHROPOIDSphilanthropoids n. Plural of philanthropoid.
PHILANTHROPOID n. a person who works for a philanthropic organization.
SCHOOLCHILDRENschoolchildren n. Plural of schoolchild.
SCHOOLCHILD n. a child attending school.
SHAREHOLDINGshareholding adj. Owning shares.
shareholding n. The owning of shares.
shareholding n. The amount of capital held as shares.
SHAREHOLDINGSshareholdings n. Plural of shareholding.
SHAREHOLDING n. the act of holding shares.
SLEUTHHOUNDsleuthhound n. A working dog who tracks or pursues e.g. a wanted criminal; a bloodhound formerly used in Scotland.
sleuthhound n. (Informal) A detective; a sleuth.
sleuth-hound n. Alternative form of sleuthhound.
SLEUTHHOUNDSsleuthhounds n. Plural of sleuthhound.
sleuth-hounds n. Plural of sleuth-hound.
SLEUTHHOUND n. a bloodhound; (colloquial) a detective.
WITHHOLDINGSwithholdings n. Plural of withholding.
WITHHOLDMENTSwithholdments n. Plural of withholdment.
WITHHOLDMENT n. the act of withholding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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