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There are 8 words containing D, 2G, L, O, R and U

MUDLOGGERmudlogger n. A wellsite geologist.
MUDLOGGER n. a person who looks for oil, gas etc. in traces of mud excavated from a borehole.
BULLDOGGERbulldogger n. One who bulldogs (chases and wrestles a steer as a rodeo performance).
BULLDOGGER n. one who bulldogs, wrestles steers.
GROUNDLINGgroundling n. Any of various plants or animals living on or near the ground, as a benthic fish or bottom feeder, especially…
groundling n. An audience member in the cheap section (usually standing; originally in Elizabethan theater).
groundling n. (By extension) A person of uncultivated or uncultured taste.
MUDLOGGERSmudloggers n. Plural of mudlogger.
MUDLOGGER n. a person who looks for oil, gas etc. in traces of mud excavated from a borehole.
BULLDOGGERSbulldoggers n. Plural of bulldogger.
BULLDOGGER n. one who bulldogs, wrestles steers.
GROUNDLINGSgroundlings n. Plural of groundling.
GROUNDLING n. a spectator who stood in the pit of an Elizabethan theater; a person of unsophisticated taste.
OVERINDULGINGoverindulging v. Present participle of overindulge.
over-indulging v. Present participle of over-indulge.
OVERINDULGE v. to indulge to excess.
DISCOURAGINGLYdiscouragingly adv. In a discouraging manner.
DISCOURAGING adv. disheartening.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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