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There are 17 words containing D, 2G, 2I, L and U

DIVULGINGdivulging v. Present participle of divulge.
divulging n. The act by which something is divulged.
DIVULGE v. to reveal.
INDULGINGindulging v. Present participle of indulge.
INDULGE v. to yield to the desire of.
UNGILDINGungilding v. Present participle of ungild.
UNGILD v. to remove the gilding from.
DIALOGUINGdialoguing v. Present participle of dialogue.
DIALOGUE v. to hold a conversation between two people, also DIALOG.
DIVULGATINGdivulgating v. Present participle of divulgate.
DIVULGATE v. (archaic) to publish.
INDULGINGLYindulgingly adv. In an indulging manner.
INDULGING adv. INDULGE, to yield to the desire of.
MUDSLINGINGmudslinging n. Casting aspersions with intent to discredit.
mudslinging n. An act of making damaging or spiteful remarks with the intent to discredit.
MUDSLINGING n. vilification of character.
DISGRUNTLINGdisgruntling v. Present participle of disgruntle.
DISGRUNTLE v. to make ill-humoured or discontented.
DISGUSTINGLYdisgustingly adv. In a disgusting manner.
disgustingly adv. To a disgusting extent or degree.
DISGUSTING adv. DISGUST, to cause loathing.
INDULGENCINGindulgencing v. Present participle of indulgence.
INDULGENCE v. to grant an indulgence.
LIFEGUARDINGlifeguarding n. The occupation of a lifeguard.
LIFEGUARD v. to serve as a lifeguard.
MUDSLINGINGSmudslingings n. Plural of mudslinging.
MUDSLINGING n. vilification of character.
DEGLUTINATINGdeglutinating v. Present participle of deglutinate.
DEGLUTINATE v. to unglue or unstick.
OVERINDULGINGoverindulging v. Present participle of overindulge.
over-indulging v. Present participle of over-indulge.
OVERINDULGE v. to indulge to excess.
SLUGGARDISINGsluggardising v. Present participle of sluggardise.
SLUGGARDISE v. (Shakespeare) to make lazy, also SLUGGARDIZE.
SLUGGARDIZINGsluggardizing v. Present participle of sluggardize.
SLUGGARDIZE v. (Shakespeare) to make lazy, also SLUGGARDISE.
DISCOURAGINGLYdiscouragingly adv. In a discouraging manner.
DISCOURAGING adv. disheartening.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 227 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 187 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 16 words

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