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There are 19 words containing D, F, I, M, O, T and U

MULTIFOLDmultifold adj. Many; very diverse; manifold.
MULTIFOLD adj. many times doubled; manifold.
MISDOUBTFULmisdoubtful adj. (Now rare) Misgiving; doubting, suspicious.
MISDOUBTFUL adj. (Spenser) suspicious.
MISFORTUNEDmisfortuned adj. (Archaic) unlucky, unfortunate.
MISFORTUNED adj. (archaic) unfortunate.
MULTIFIDOUSmultifidous adj. Multifid.
MULTIFIDOUS adj. having many divisions, also MULTIFID.
UNMORTIFIEDunmortified adj. Not mortified.
UNMORTIFIED adj. not mortified.
DISCOMFITUREdiscomfiture n. (Obsolete) Defeat in battle.
discomfiture n. An emotional state similar to that arising from defeat; frustration, disappointment, perplexity or embarrassment.
DISCOMFITURE n. the act of discomfiting.
DISCOMFITURESdiscomfitures n. Plural of discomfiture.
DISCOMFITURE n. the act of discomfiting.
MALFUNCTIONEDmalfunctioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of malfunction.
MALFUNCTION v. to function imperfectly or badly.
MISFUNCTIONEDmisfunctioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of misfunction.
MISFUNCTION v. to function wrongly.
MUNDIFICATIONmundification n. The act or operation of cleansing.
MUNDIFICATION n. the act of cleansing, purification.
RUTHERFORDIUMrutherfordium n. A transuranic chemical element (symbol Rf) with an atomic number of 104.
rutherfordium n. (Obsolete) A rejected name for seaborgium.
rutherfordium n. (Obsolete) A rejected name for lawrencium.
UNDISCOMFITEDundiscomfited adj. Not discomfited.
UNDISCOMFITED adj. not discomfited.
DIAMANTIFEROUSdiamantiferous adj. Yielding diamonds.
DIAMANTIFEROUS adj. bearing diamonds.
HUMIDIFICATIONhumidification n. The process of increasing the water vapour content of a gas.
HUMIDIFICATION n. the act of humidifying.
MUNDIFICATIONSmundifications n. Plural of mundification.
MUNDIFICATION n. the act of cleansing, purification.
RUTHERFORDIUMSRUTHERFORDIUM n. an artificially produced radioactive transuranic element.
DEMULSIFICATIONdemulsification n. The breaking up of an emulsion.
DEMULSIFICATION n. the act of demulsifying.
HUMIDIFICATIONShumidifications n. Plural of humidification.
HUMIDIFICATION n. the act of humidifying.
IMMUNODEFICIENTimmunodeficient adj. Exhibiting immunodeficiency.
IMMUNODEFICIENT adj. relating to immunodeficiency, deficiency in immune response due to depletion or inactivity of lymphoid cells.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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