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There are 14 words containing D, E, 2L, 2P and S

DIPROPELLANTSDIPROPELLANT n. a rocket propellant consisting of two substances, usually a fuel and an oxidizer.
DISAPPARELLEDdisapparelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of disapparel.
DISAPPAREL v. to disrobe; to strip of apparel.
DISAPPARELLINGdisapparelling v. Present participle of disapparel.
DISAPPAREL v. to disrobe; to strip of apparel.
DYSPEPTICALLYdyspeptically adv. In a dyspeptic manner.
DYSPEPTICAL adv. suffering from dyspepsia, also DYSPEPTIC.
FELLOWSHIPPEDfellowshipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of fellowship.
FELLOWSHIP v. to join in fellowship esp. with a church member.
PAPPARDELLESPAPPARDELLE n. a type of pasta in the form of broad ribbons.
PARALLELEPIPEDSparallelepipeds n. Plural of parallelepiped.
PARALLELEPIPED n. a solid figure with each face a parallelogram.
PARALLELOPIPEDSparallelopipeds n. Plural of parallelopiped.
PARALLELOPIPED n. a solid figure bounded by six parallelograms, opposite pairs being identical and parallel.
PHILADELPHUSphiladelphus n. (Botany) Any of the genus Philadelphus of shrubs.
Philadelphus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Hydrangeaceae – the mock oranges.
PHILADELPHUS n. a flowering shrub, aka mock orange.
PHILADELPHUSESphiladelphuses n. Plural of philadelphus.
PHILADELPHUS n. a flowering shrub, aka mock orange.
POLYADELPHOUSpolyadelphous adj. (Botany) Having stamens combined in more than two groups.
POLYADELPHOUS adj. of stamens, united in several bundles; having the stamens so united.
POLYPLOIDIESpolyploidies n. Plural of polyploidy.
POLYPLOIDY n. the condition of being polyploid.
POLYSULPHIDEpolysulphide n. (Chemistry) Alternative spelling of polysulfide.
POLYSULPHIDE n. a sulfide containing two or more atoms of sulfur in the molecule, also POLYSULFIDE.
POLYSULPHIDESpolysulphides n. Plural of polysulphide.
POLYSULPHIDE n. a sulfide containing two or more atoms of sulfur in the molecule, also POLYSULFIDE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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