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There are 14 words containing D, E, 2I, J, N and R

INTERJOINEDinterjoined v. Simple past tense and past participle of interjoin.
INTERJOIN v. (Shakespeare) to join together.
JARDINIEREjardiniere n. A plantstand or flowerpot, especially one made of decorated pottery or porcelain.
jardiniere n. Vegetables served as a garnish over meat.
jardinière n. An ornamental pot for the display of live or cut flowers; a planter.
JARDINIERESjardinieres n. Plural of jardiniere.
jardinières n. Plural of jardinière.
JARDINIERE n. (French) an ornamental stand or receptacle for plants, flowers, etc., used as a piece of decorative furniture in room; a garnish for meat of cooked vegetables.
JEOPARDISINGjeopardising v. Present participle of jeopardise.
JEOPARDISE v. to expose to loss or injury, also JEOPARDIZE.
JEOPARDIZINGjeopardizing v. Present participle of jeopardize.
JEOPARDIZE v. to expose to loss or injury, also JEOPARDISE.
JURISPRUDENTIALjurisprudential adj. Of or pertaining to jurisprudence.
JURISPRUDENTIAL adj. relating to jurisprudence.
MICROINJECTEDmicroinjected v. Simple past tense and past participle of microinject.
MICROINJECT v. to inject (a substance) into a microscopic object, esp. a single cell.
MISJOINDERmisjoinder n. (Law) An incorrect union of parties or of causes of action in a procedure in court.
MISJOINDER n. an incorrect union of parties or of causes of action in a procedure, criminal or civil.
MISJOINDERSmisjoinders n. Plural of misjoinder.
MISJOINDER n. an incorrect union of parties or of causes of action in a procedure, criminal or civil.
PREJUDICATINGprejudicating v. Present participle of prejudicate.
PREJUDICATE v. (obsolete) to spoil, prejudice.
PREJUDICATIONprejudication n. Judgment without due examination of facts and evidence.
prejudication n. (Law) A preliminary inquiry and determination about something which belongs to a matter in dispute.
prejudication n. A previous treatment and decision of a point; a precedent.
PREJUDICATIONSprejudications n. Plural of prejudication.
PREJUDICATION n. the act of prejudging.
PREJUDICIALNESSprejudicialness n. The quality of being prejudicial.
PREJUDICIAL n. tending to injure or impair.
PREJUDICINGprejudicing v. Present participle of prejudice.
PREJUDICE v. to prepossess or bias in favour or against something.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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