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There are 13 words containing D, E, G, K, O and 2R

BACKGROUNDERbackgrounder n. (Chiefly US) A briefing or document typically provided prior to a meeting or other event that gives…
backgrounder n. A person employed to draw backgrounds for a comic or cartoon.
backgrounder n. A cattle farmer or rancher who runs a backgrounding operation.
BACKGROUNDERSbackgrounders n. Plural of backgrounder.
BACKGROUNDER n. an off the record briefing for reporters.
BRIDGEWORKbridgework n. (Dentistry) A partial denture that is anchored to existing teeth.
bridgework n. The construction or repair of bridges.
bridgework n. The component parts of a bridge.
BRIDGEWORKSbridgeworks n. Plural of bridgework.
BRIDGEWORK n. a dental bridge.
GROUNDBREAKERgroundbreaker n. First person to do, make or fight for something. A pioneer; a seminal person.
GROUNDBREAKER n. one that innovates.
GROUNDBREAKERSgroundbreakers n. Plural of groundbreaker.
GROUNDBREAKER n. one that innovates.
GROUNDBREAKINGgroundbreaking adj. Innovative; new, different; doing something that has never been done before.
groundbreaking n. The point at which construction begins, by digging into the ground.
groundbreaking n. A ceremony to mark the beginning of construction.
GROUNDBREAKINGSgroundbreakings n. Plural of groundbreaking.
GROUNDBREAKING n. the breaking of ground at the beginning of a construction project.
GROUNDSKEEPERgroundskeeper n. Someone who takes care of the upkeep of grounds (Gardens, a playing field, woodlands, etc.).
GROUNDSKEEPER n. a person who cares for the grounds of a usually large property (as a sports field).
GROUNDSKEEPERSgroundskeepers n. Plural of groundskeeper.
GROUNDSKEEPER n. a person who cares for the grounds of a usually large property (as a sports field).
OVERDRINKINGoverdrinking v. Present participle of overdrink.
OVERDRINK v. to drink to excess.
REKEYBOARDINGrekeyboarding v. Present participle of rekeyboard.
REKEYBOARD v. to enter again on a keyboard.
UNDERWORKINGunderworking v. Present participle of underwork.
underworking n. Lower or underlying workings.
UNDERWORK v. to work insufficiently hard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 333 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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