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There are 18 words containing D, E, 2F, 2N and O

OFFENDINGoffending v. Present participle of offend.
offending n. The act of committing an offence.
offending adj. Responsible; to be blamed.
FORFENDINGforfending v. Present participle of forfend.
FORFEND v. (archaic) to protect, also FOREFEND.
UNCOFFINEDuncoffined adj. Not placed in a coffin.
UNCOFFIN v. to remove from a coffin.
UNOFFENDEDunoffended adj. Not offended.
UNOFFENDED adj. not offended.
FANFARONADEfanfaronade n. Empty, self-assertive boasting.
fanfaronade v. To engage in empty, self-assertive boasting.
FANFARONADE n. (French) empty boasting, bluster.
FOREFENDINGforefending v. Present participle of forefend.
FOREFEND v. to protect, also FORFEND.
REOFFENDINGreoffending v. Present participle of reoffend.
REOFFEND v. to offend again.
UNOFFENDINGunoffending adj. Not offending.
UNOFFENDING adj. not offending.
FANFARONADEDfanfaronaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of fanfaronade.
FANFARONADE v. to bluster.
FANFARONADESfanfaronades n. Plural of fanfaronade.
FANFARONADE n. (French) empty boasting, bluster.
NONAFFILIATEDnonaffiliated adj. Unaffiliated.
non-affiliated adj. Unaffiliated.
NONAFFILIATED adj. not affiliated.
NONDIFFUSIBLEnondiffusible adj. Not diffusible.
NONDIFFUSIBLE adj. not diffusible.
OFFHANDEDNESSoffhandedness n. The property of being offhand.
off-handedness n. Alternative form of offhandedness.
OFFHANDEDNESS n. the state of being offhanded.
INTERDIFFUSIONinterdiffusion n. The mutual diffusion of two fluids, especially through a membrane.
INTERDIFFUSION n. the process of diffusing and mixing freely so as to approach a homogeneous mixture.
DIFFERENTIATIONdifferentiation n. The act or process of differentiating (generally, without a specialized sense).
differentiation n. (Biology) The process by which the components of multicellular life (Cells, organs, etc.) are produced…
differentiation n. (Biology, evolution) The evolutionary process by which one taxonomic group (Species, genus, variety…
INTERDIFFUSIONSinterdiffusions n. Plural of interdiffusion.
INTERDIFFUSION n. the process of diffusing and mixing freely so as to approach a homogeneous mixture.
OFFHANDEDNESSESOFFHANDEDNESS n. the state of being offhanded.
STANDOFFISHNESSstandoffishness n. The state, quality, or condition of being standoffish or aloof and unsociable; aloofness.
stand-offishness n. Alternative spelling of standoffishness.
STANDOFFISHNESS n. the state of being standoffish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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