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There are 19 words containing D, 2E, H, 2I and V

DEVILFISHESdevilfishes n. Plural of devilfish.
DEVILFISH n. an octopus; also, a huge ray of the Gulf of Mexico and Southern Atlantic coasts.
DEVILISHNESSdevilishness n. The state or quality of being devilish.
DEVILISHNESS n. the state of being devilish.
DEVILISHNESSESdevilishnesses n. Plural of devilishness.
DEVILISHNESS n. the state of being devilish.
DISHEVELINGdisheveling v. Present participle of dishevel.
DISHEVEL v. to make the hair untidy.
DISHEVELLINGdishevelling v. Present participle of dishevel.
DISHEVEL v. to make the hair untidy.
DISSHIVEREDDISSHIVER v. (Spenser) to shiver or break in pieces.
HYPERCIVILISEDhypercivilised adj. Alternative form of hypercivilized.
HYPERCIVILISED adj. excessively civilised, also HYPERCIVILIZED.
HYPERCIVILIZEDhypercivilized adj. Very highly civilized.
HYPERCIVILIZED adj. excessively civilized, also HYPERCIVILISED.
IMPOVERISHEDimpoverished adj. Reduced to poverty.
impoverished adj. Having lost a component, an ingredient, or a faculty or a feature; rendered poor in something; depleted.
impoverished v. Simple past tense and past participle of impoverish.
INVEIGHEDinveighed v. Simple past tense and past participle of inveigh.
INVEIGH v. to speak violently.
KHEDIVIATEKHEDIVIATE n. the office of khedive, the Viceroy of Egypt, also KHEDIVATE.
KHEDIVIATESKHEDIVIATE n. the office of khedive, the Viceroy of Egypt, also KHEDIVATE.
LIVELIHEADLIVELIHEAD n. (obsolete) liveliness.
LIVELIHEADSLIVELIHEAD n. (obsolete) liveliness.
OVERFINISHEDoverfinished adj. Of animals reared for meat: obese; undesirably fat.
OVERFINISHED adj. excessively finished.
UNDERACHIEVINGunderachieving v. Present participle of underachieve.
UNDERACHIEVE v. to achieve less than one's potential.
VIDEOGRAPHIESvideographies n. Plural of videography.
VIDEOGRAPHY n. the art of using a video camera.
VIDEOPHILEvideophile n. A connoisseur of video, particularly one who values high-definition and otherwise high-quality video.
videophile n. A fan of video games.
VIDEOPHILE n. a lover of videos.
VIDEOPHILESvideophiles n. Plural of videophile.
VIDEOPHILE n. a lover of videos.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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