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There are 20 words containing D, 2E, F, H, N and U

DELIGHTFULNESSdelightfulness n. The state or quality of being delightful.
DELIGHTFUL n. full of delight.
FLANNELMOUTHEDflannelmouthed adj. Alternative form of flannel-mouthed.
flannel-mouthed adj. Possessing, characterized by, or in the manner of speaking of a flannelmouth.
FLANNELMOUTHED adj. speaking indistinctly.
HEEDFULNESSheedfulness n. The state or quality of being heedful.
HEEDFULNESS n. the state of being heedful.
HEEDFULNESSESHEEDFULNESS n. the state of being heedful.
REFURNISHEDrefurnished v. Simple past tense and past participle of refurnish.
REFURNISH v. to furnish again.
SCHADENFREUDEschadenfreude n. Malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else’s misfortune.
SCHADENFREUDE n. (German) enjoyment gained from others' troubles.
SCHADENFREUDESschadenfreudes n. Plural of schadenfreude.
SCHADENFREUDE n. (German) enjoyment gained from others' troubles.
THUNDERFLASHESthunderflashes n. Plural of thunderflash.
THUNDERFLASH n. a container, such as a blank shell, filled with explosive powder, which makes a flash and a loud explosion when detonated.
UNDERFINISHEDunderfinished adj. Of animals reared for meat: having less fat than is desirable.
UNDERFINISHED adj. of cattle and sheep, having too little finish.
UNDERFISHEDunderfished adj. (Of a lake, a fish species, etc.) Fished less than would still be sustainable; suitable for a greater…
UNDERFISH v. to fish insufficiently.
UNDERFISHESunderfishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underfish.
UNDERFISH v. to fish insufficiently.
UNDERSHERIFFundersheriff n. In certain jurisdictions, a deputy sheriff; second in command to a sheriff.
UNDERSHERIFF n. one below the rank of sheriff.
UNDERSHERIFFSundersheriffs n. Plural of undersheriff.
UNDERSHERIFF n. one below the rank of sheriff.
UNFATHEREDunfathered adj. Not raised by or acknowledged by a father.
unfathered v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfather.
UNFATHERED adj. having no father.
UNFEATHEREDunfeathered adj. Lacking feathers.
UNFEATHERED adj. not feathered.
UNFLESHEDunfleshed adj. Having no flesh.
unfleshed adj. (Of a weapon) Not accustomed to flesh; not having been used in combat.
UNFLESH v. to remove the flesh from.
UNFRIGHTENEDunfrightened adj. Not frightened; unafraid.
unfrightened v. Simple past tense and past participle of flog.
unfrightened v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfrighten.
UNHEEDFULunheedful adj. Not paying attention.
UNHEEDFUL adj. not heedful.
UNHEEDFULLYunheedfully adv. In an unheedful manner.
UNHEEDFUL adv. not heedful.
UNREFRESHEDunrefreshed adj. Not refreshed.
UNREFRESHED adj. not refreshed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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