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There are 18 words containing 2D, N, 2R and 2S

UNDERDRESSunderdress v. (Transitive, intransitive) To dress in insufficiently warm clothes.
underdress v. (Transitive, intransitive) To dress in insufficiently formal clothes.
underdress n. (Countable) Any dress#Noun (feminine-style garment) worn under another, especially under an overdress#Noun.
UNREDRESSEDunredressed adj. Not redressed.
UNREDRESSED adj. not redressed.
READDRESSINGreaddressing v. Present participle of readdress.
readdressing n. The changing of an address.
READDRESS v. to address again, esp. reflexively.
STANDARDISERstandardiser n. Alternative form of standardizer.
STANDARDISER n. one who standardises, also STANDARDIZER.
UNDERDRESSEDunderdressed adj. Insufficiently dressed, as for cold weather.
underdressed adj. Insufficiently well-dressed, as for a formal event.
underdressed v. Simple past tense and past participle of underdress.
UNDERDRESSESunderdresses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underdress.
UNDERDRESS v. to dress inadequately.
DISGARRISONEDdisgarrisoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of disgarrison.
DISGARRISON v. to deprive of a garrison.
GRANDSTANDERSgrandstanders n. Plural of grandstander.
GRANDSTANDER n. one who grandstands.
STANDARDBREDSstandardbreds n. Plural of standardbred.
STANDARDBRED n. any of a breed of trotting and pacing horses developed in the United States, noted for speed and stamina, and used esp. in harness racing.
STANDARDISERSstandardisers n. Plural of standardiser.
STANDARDISER n. one who standardises, also STANDARDIZER.
STANDARDIZERSstandardizers n. Plural of standardizer.
STANDARDIZER n. one who standardizes, also STANDARDISER.
UNDERDRESSINGunderdressing v. Present participle of underdress.
UNDERDRESS v. to dress inadequately.
UNDERSTANDERSunderstanders n. Plural of understander.
under-standers n. Plural of under-stander.
UNDERSTANDER n. one who understands.
DISORDEREDNESSdisorderedness n. The quality of being disordered.
DISORDEREDNESS n. the state of being disordered.
DISORDERLINESSdisorderliness n. The state or quality of being disorderly.
DISORDERLINESS n. the state of being disorderly.
SCRIMSHANDEREDscrimshandered v. Simple past tense and past participle of scrimshander.
SCRIMSHANDER v. to ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines, also SCRIMSHANDY, SCRIMSHAW.
HARDHEARTEDNESShardheartedness n. (Uncountable) The state of being hardhearted.
hardheartedness n. (Countable) A hardhearted thought or act.
hard-heartedness n. Alternative form of hardheartedness.
UNDERSUBSCRIBEDundersubscribed adj. Having too few subscribers or subscriptions.
undersubscribed v. Simple past tense and past participle of undersubscribe.
UNDERSUBSCRIBED adj. insufficiently subscribed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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