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There are 15 words containing 2D, L, O, P, S and Y

DISPOSEDLYdisposedly adv. In a disposed manner; in good order; with measured steps.
DISPOSED adv. DISPOSE, to arrange or settle.
DODDYPOLLSdoddypolls n. Plural of doddypoll.
DODDYPOLL n. (obsolete) a blockhead, also DODDIPOLL.
LOPSIDEDLYlopsidedly adv. In a lopsided manner.
LOPSIDED adv. leaning to one side.
DISEMPLOYEDdisemployed v. Simple past tense and past participle of disemploy.
DISEMPLOY v. to throw out of employment.
PADDYMELONSpaddymelons n. Plural of paddymelon.
PADDYMELON n. (Native Australian) any of several small wallabies, also PADEMELON, PADYMELON.
DENDROGLYPHSdendroglyphs n. Plural of dendroglyph.
DENDROGLYPH n. an ancient carving on a tree.
DESPONDENTLYdespondently adv. In a despondent manner.
DESPONDENT adv. feeling or showing extreme discouragement.
DESPONDINGLYdespondingly adv. In a desponding manner.
DESPONDING adv. hopeless.
DEPOLYMERISEDdepolymerised v. Simple past tense and past participle of depolymerise.
DEPOLYMERISE v. to break a large molecule into simpler ones that have the same basic formula, also DEPOLYMERIZE.
DISCOMPOSEDLYdiscomposedly adv. In a discomposed manner.
DISCOMPOSED adv. DISCOMPOSE, to disarrange; to disturb.
HYDROSULPHIDEhydrosulphide n. (Britain) Alternative spelling of hydrosulfide.
HYDROSULPHIDE n. a compound formed by action of hydrogen sulphide on a hydroxide.
SPONDYLITIDESspondylitides n. Plural of spondylitis.
SPONDYLITIS n. inflammation of the vertebra.
DISAPPOINTEDLYdisappointedly adv. In a disappointed manner.
DISAPPOINTED adv. DISAPPOINT, to fail to meet the expectation or hope of.
HYDROSULPHIDEShydrosulphides n. Plural of hydrosulphide.
HYDROSULPHIDE n. a compound formed by action of hydrogen sulphide on a hydroxide.
HYPODIPLOIDIEShypodiploidies n. Plural of hypodiploidy, referring to types thereof.
HYPODIPLOIDY n. the state of being hypodiploid, having slightly fewer than the diploid number of chromosomes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 390 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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