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There are 19 words containing 2D, H, L, O, S and U

ADULTHOODSadulthoods n. Plural of adulthood.
ADULTHOOD n. the state of being an adult.
BLOODHOUNDSbloodhounds n. Plural of bloodhound.
BLOODHOUND n. a large breed of hound formerly much used in tracking and police work.
DIADELPHOUSdiadelphous adj. (Botany) Having its stamens fused together at least partly by the filaments so that they form two separate…
DIADELPHOUS adj. having the filaments united to make two groups.
DICHLAMYDEOUSdichlamydeous adj. (Botany) Having two coverings, a calyx and a corolla.
DICHLAMYDEOUS adj. having both a calyx and a corolla.
DIDELPHOUSdidelphous adj. Synonym of didelphic.
DIDELPHOUS adj. of or relating to the marsupial family Didelphia, opossums, also DIDELPHIAN, DIDELPHINE.
DOUBLEHEADERSdoubleheaders n. Plural of doubleheader.
double-headers n. Plural of double-header.
DOUBLEHEADER n. two games, contests or events held consecutively on the same program.
FUNDHOLDERSfundholders n. Plural of fundholder.
FUNDHOLDER n. a person who has money in public funds.
FUNDHOLDINGSFUNDHOLDING n. under the NHS, the system enabling general practitioners to receive a fixed budget.
HUNDREDFOLDShundredfolds n. Plural of hundredfold.
HUNDREDFOLD n. a multiplication by one hundred.
HYDROSULPHIDEhydrosulphide n. (Britain) Alternative spelling of hydrosulfide.
HYDROSULPHIDE n. a compound formed by action of hydrogen sulphide on a hydroxide.
HYDROSULPHIDEShydrosulphides n. Plural of hydrosulphide.
HYDROSULPHIDE n. a compound formed by action of hydrogen sulphide on a hydroxide.
NONSCHEDULEDnonscheduled adj. Not scheduled; not according to schedule.
NONSCHEDULED adj. not scheduled.
OVERSCHEDULEDoverscheduled v. Simple past tense and past participle of overschedule.
PREADULTHOODSSorry, definition not available.
SHOULDEREDshouldered v. Simple past tense and past participle of shoulder.
shouldered adj. (In combination) Having or pertaining to (a specific kind of) shoulders.
SHOULDER v. to assume the burden of, also SHOUTHER.
THOUSANDFOLDthousandfold adj. Multiplied by one thousand (1000), repeated a thousand times.
thousandfold adj. Having one thousand parts or members.
thousandfold adv. By a factor of a thousand.
THOUSANDFOLDSthousandfolds n. Plural of thousandfold.
THOUSANDFOLD n. a thousand times as much.
THUNDERCLOUDSthunderclouds n. Plural of thundercloud.
thunder␣clouds n. Plural of thunder cloud.
THUNDERCLOUD n. a cloud charged with electricity and producing lightning and thunder.
UNHYDROLYSEDunhydrolysed adj. Alternative spelling of unhydrolyzed.
UNHYDROLYSED adj. not hydrolysed, also UNHYDROLYZED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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