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There are 19 words containing 2D, G, L, 2O and R

GOLDENRODgoldenrod n. Any tall-stemmed plant principally from genus Solidago (also Oligoneuron), usually with clusters of…
goldenrod n. A golden-yellow colour, like that of the goldenrod plant.
goldenrod adj. Of a golden-yellow colour, like that of the goldenrod plant.
RADIOGOLDradiogold n. (Medicine) The radioactive isotope of gold, 19879Au, used in medical irradiation and in diagnosis.
RADIOGOLD n. the radioisotope gold-198.
DENDROLOGYdendrology n. The study of trees and other woody plants.
DENDROLOGY n. the study of trees.
GOLDENRODSgoldenrods n. Plural of goldenrod.
GOLDENROD n. a dark golden yellow flower.
RADIOGOLDSradiogolds n. Plural of radiogold.
RADIOGOLD n. the radioisotope gold-198.
DENDROLOGICdendrologic adj. Synonym of dendrological.
DENDROLOGIC adj. relating to dendrology, the study of trees, also DENDROLOGICAL.
ROADHOLDINGroadholding n. (Automotive) The degree to which a motor vehicle maintains a stable "grip" on the road surface, without…
ROADHOLDING n. the qualities of an automobile that tend to make it respond precisely to the driver's steering.
DENDROLOGIESDENDROLOGY n. the study of trees.
DENDROLOGISTdendrologist n. One versed in the natural history of trees.
DENDROLOGIST n. a student of dendrology.
DENDROLOGOUSDENDROLOGOUS adj. related to dendrology, the study of trees.
ROADHOLDINGSROADHOLDING n. the qualities of an automobile that tend to make it respond precisely to the driver's steering.
BLOODCURDLINGbloodcurdling adj. Causing great horror or terror.
blood-curdling adj. Causing terror or horror.
BLOODCURDLING adj. arousing fright or horror.
DENDROLOGICALdendrological adj. Of, pertaining to dendrology.
DENDROLOGICAL adj. relating to dendrology, the study of trees, also DENDROLOGIC.
DENDROLOGISTSdendrologists n. Plural of dendrologist.
DENDROLOGIST n. a student of dendrology.
GASTRODUODENALgastroduodenal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to, or connecting the stomach and the duodenum.
GASTRODUODENAL adj. of, relating to, or involving the stomach and the duodenum.
BLOODCURDLINGLYbloodcurdlingly adv. In a bloodcurdling manner.
BLOODCURDLING adv. arousing fright or horror.
OLIGODENDROCYTEoligodendrocyte n. (Biology) Any of the cells of the oligodendroglia in the nervous system.
OLIGODENDROCYTE n. a glial cell resembling an astrocyte but smaller with few and slender processes having few branches.
OLIGODENDROGLIAoligodendroglia n. (Anatomy) tissue (neuroglia) consisting of glial cells that are smaller than astrocytes and form the myelin sheath.
OLIGODENDROGLIA n. a glia made up of oligodendrocytes that forms the myelin sheath around axons in the central nervous system.
PHOTODEGRADABLEphotodegradable adj. Capable of being chemically broken down as the result of a photochemical reaction.
PHOTODEGRADABLE adj. chemically degradable by the action of light.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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