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There are 20 words containing 2D, 2G, 2I and N

GIDDYINGgiddying v. Present participle of giddy.
GIDDY v. to make dizzy.
GRIDDINGgridding v. Present participle of grid.
gridding n. Adding a grid of lines to a map etc.
gridding n. The construction of a rectangular matrix of numbers from a set of scattered data points.
DISEDGINGdisedging v. Present participle of disedge.
DISEDGE v. (Shakespeare) to deprive of an edge; to blunt.
GRIDDLINGgriddling v. Present participle of griddle.
GRIDDLE v. to cook on a flat pan.
DISGRADINGdisgrading v. Present participle of disgrade.
DISGRADE v. to strip of rank.
DISLODGINGdislodging v. Present participle of dislodge.
dislodging n. The act by which something is dislodged.
DISLODGE v. to remove from a firm position.
BIRDDOGGINGbird-dogging v. Present participle of bird-dog.
bird␣dogging v. Present participle of bird dog.
BIRDDOGGING n. the act of controlling closely with unceasing vigilance.
DINGDONGINGdingdonging v. Present participle of dingdong.
ding-donging v. Present participle of ding-dong.
DINGDONG v. to have a set-to.
BIODEGRADINGbiodegrading v. Present participle of biodegrade.
BIODEGRADE v. to break down by biological action.
BIRDDOGGINGSBIRDDOGGING n. the act of controlling closely with unceasing vigilance.
DIGLADIATINGdigladiating v. Present participle of digladiate.
DIGLADIATE v. (obsolete) to fight with swords; to fence.
DISREGARDINGdisregarding v. Present participle of disregard.
DISREGARD v. to pay no attention to.
UNDERGIRDINGundergirding v. Present participle of undergird.
UNDERGIRD v. to form the basis or foundation of, to support from below.
DEGENDERIZINGdegenderizing v. Present participle of degenderize.
DEGRINGOLADINGDEGRINGOLADE v. (French) to make a rapid descent.
DISADVANTAGINGdisadvantaging v. Present participle of disadvantage.
DISADVANTAGE v. to place at a disadvantage.
DEHYDROGENISINGdehydrogenising v. Present participle of dehydrogenise.
DEHYDROGENISE v. to remove hydrogen from, also DEHYDROGENIZE.
DEHYDROGENIZINGdehydrogenizing v. Present participle of dehydrogenize.
DEHYDROGENIZE v. to remove the hydrogen from, also DEHYDROGENISE.
OLIGODENDROGLIAoligodendroglia n. (Anatomy) tissue (neuroglia) consisting of glial cells that are smaller than astrocytes and form the myelin sheath.
OLIGODENDROGLIA n. a glia made up of oligodendrocytes that forms the myelin sheath around axons in the central nervous system.
UNDERDIAGNOSINGunderdiagnosing v. Present participle of underdiagnose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 220 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 52 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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