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There are 19 words containing 3D, 2E, H and S

DEADHEADSdeadheads n. Plural of deadhead.
deadheads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deadhead.
Deadheads n. Plural of Deadhead.
DEHYDROGENISEDdehydrogenised v. Simple past tense and past participle of dehydrogenise.
DEHYDROGENISE v. to remove hydrogen from, also DEHYDROGENIZE.
DIHYDROCODEINESDIHYDROCODEINE n. a synthetic drug similar to codeine, used as an analgesic, an antidiarrhoeal, and to relieve coughing.
DISENSHROUDEDdisenshrouded v. Simple past tense and past participle of disenshroud.
disenshrouded adj. Freed from a shroud-like covering; unveiled.
DISENSHROUD v. to divest of a shroud.
DODECAHEDRONSdodecahedrons n. Plural of dodecahedron.
DODECAHEDRON n. (Greek) a twelve-sided solid figure.
DUNDERHEADISMdunderheadism n. Stupidity.
DUNDERHEADISM n. being a dunderhead.
DUNDERHEADSdunderheads n. Plural of dunderhead.
DUNDERHEAD n. a dunce; a numskull; a blockhead.
FIDDLEHEADSfiddleheads n. Plural of fiddlehead.
FIDDLEHEAD n. one of the young unfurling fronds of ferns that are sometimes eaten, also FIDDLENECK.
HARDHANDEDNESShardhandedness n. Harshness, strictness.
hardhandedness n. The embodyment of working-class virtue; hard-working practicality.
hard-handedness n. Alternative form of hardhandedness.
HARDHEADEDNESShardheadedness n. The characteristic of being hardheaded.
HARDHEADED n. stubborn, willful.
MUDDLEHEADSmuddleheads n. Plural of muddlehead.
MUDDLEHEAD n. a muddled, confused, or foolish person.
ROUNDHEADEDNESSROUNDHEADEDNESS n. the state of being roundheaded.
RUDDERHEADSrudderheads n. Plural of rudderhead.
RUDDERHEAD n. the top of the rudderpost, to which the steering apparatus may be fixed.
SHEDDEDshedded adj. Having, or covered by, a shed.
shedded v. (Nonstandard, except Etymology 3) simple past tense and past participle of shed.
SHED v. to cast off.
SHREDDEDshredded v. Simple past tense and past participle of shred.
shredded adj. Cut or torn into narrow strips or small pieces.
shredded adj. (Bodybuilding) Having very pronounced muscular definition.
SHUDDEREDshuddered v. Simple past tense and past participle of shudder.
SHUDDER v. to shiver or tremble.
UNDERHANDEDNESSunderhandedness n. The characteristic of being underhanded.
under-handedness n. Alternative form of underhandedness.
UNDERHANDEDNESS n. the state of being underhanded.
WOODSHEDDEDwoodshedded v. Simple past tense and past participle of woodshed.
WOODSHED v. to practice on a musical instrument.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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