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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing D, I, N, O, P, R and S

CONSPIREDconspired v. Simple past tense and past participle of conspire.
CONSPIRE v. to plot together.
DIPTERONSDIPTERON n. a two-winged insect, also DIPTERAN, DIPTERA.
DISPONERSdisponers n. Plural of disponer.
DISPONER n. one who legally transfers property from himself to another.
DISPRISONdisprison v. (Transitive) To release from prison; to set at liberty.
DISPRISON v. to let loose from prison, to set at liberty.
DISPROVENdisproven v. Alternative irregular form of the past participle of disprove.
disproven adj. Shown to be false.
disproven adj. (Archaic, Scottish law) Not proven, in a legal case where the jury verdict has inconclusive evidence…
DONORSHIPdonorship n. The state of being a donor.
DONORSHIP n. the state of being a donor.
DRIPSTONEdripstone n. (Architecture) A protective moulding over a door or window that allows rain to drip away from the structure.
dripstone n. A water filter in which impurities are removed by running water through a porous stone.
dripstone n. (Geology) Stalactites and stalagmites collectively.
DROPPINGSdroppings n. Plural of dropping.
DROPPING n. something that has been dropped.
DRYPOINTSdrypoints n. Plural of drypoint.
dry␣points n. Plural of dry point.
DRYPOINT n. a sharp needle by which fine lines are drawn in copper engraving.
INCORPSEDincorpsed v. Simple past tense and past participle of incorpse.
INCORPSE v. to incorporate.
PADRONISMPADRONISM n. a system of work controlled by a padrone.
PARANOIDSparanoids n. Plural of paranoid.
PARANOID n. someone suffering from paranoia.
PHORONIDSphoronids n. Plural of phoronid.
PHORONID n. a wormlike marine animal.
PINBOARDSpinboards n. Plural of pinboard.
PINBOARD n. a board for pinning notices, pictures, etc. on.
PINEDROPSpinedrops n. A reddish herb (Pterospora andromedea) of the United States, found parasitic on the roots of pine trees.
PINEDROPS n. a reddish herb of the United States, found parasitic on the roots of pine trees.
PRODDINGSproddings n. Plural of prodding.
PRODDING n. the act of poking.
PROSODIANprosodian n. A prosodist.
PROSODIAN n. one skilled in prosody, also PROSODIST.
PYRENOIDSpyrenoids n. Plural of pyrenoid.
PYRENOID n. a protein body of certain lower organisms.
RAINDROPSraindrops n. Plural of raindrop.
RAINDROP n. a drop of rain.
RHODOPSINrhodopsin n. (Biochemistry) A light-sensitive pigment in the rod cells of the retina; it consists of an opsin protein…
RHODOPSIN n. visual purple, a pigment in the eye.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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