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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing D, I, M, O, R, S and U

DISHUMOURdishumour v. (Obsolete, transitive) To deprive of humour or desire; to put out of humour.
dishumour n. (Obsolete) ill humour; bad temper.
DISHUMOUR v. (obsolete) to put out of humour.
EXORDIUMSexordiums n. Plural of exordium.
EXORDIUM n. (Latin) a beginning.
LEMUROIDSlemuroids n. Plural of lemuroid.
LEMUROID n. a member of the lemur family, also LEMURIAN, LEMURINE.
MIDCOURSEmidcourse adj. In the middle of a course.
MIDCOURSE adj. in mid course.
MISROUTEDmisrouted v. Simple past tense and past participle of misroute.
MISROUTE v. to route incorrectly.
MOUSEBIRDmousebird n. Any of a group of possibly passerine arboreal birds of order Coliiformes, confined to sub-Saharan Africa…
MOUSEBIRD n. another name for the coly, an African bird.
ORDALIUMSORDALIUM n. (Latin) the process of resolving a disputed question by divination.
SEMIROUNDsemiround adj. Semicircular.
SEMIROUND n. something half round.
SPORIDIUMsporidium n. (Botany) A secondary spore borne on a promycelium, or a filament produced from a spore, in certain kinds…
sporidium n. An ascospore.
sporidium n. Any spore.
SQUIREDOMsquiredom n. The rank of squire, or the period of being a squire.
SQUIREDOM n. the office of squire.
TRISODIUMtrisodium n. (Chemistry, in combination) Three atoms of sodium in a compound.
TRISODIUM adj. containing three sodium atoms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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