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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing D, I, L, N, 2O and S

BLOODFINSbloodfins n. Plural of bloodfin.
BLOODFIN n. a freshwater fish.
BLOODINGSbloodings n. Plural of blooding.
BLOODING n. a fox hunting ceremony.
COLONISEDcolonised v. Simple past tense and past participle of colonise.
COLONISE v. to establish a colony, also COLONIZE.
DIOBOLONSDIOBOLON n. (Greek) an ancient Greek coin, also DIOBOL.
DOORNAILSdoornails n. Plural of doornail.
door-nails n. Plural of door-nail.
door␣nails n. Plural of door nail.
FLOODINGSfloodings n. Plural of flooding.
FLOODING n. the act of flooding.
ISODONTALISODONTAL adj. having all the teeth similar in size and form.
ISODONTAL n. an isodontal animal, also ISODONT.
KILOPONDSkiloponds n. Plural of kilopond.
KILOPOND n. a unit of measurement equal to the gravitational force on a mass of one kilogram.
MELODIONSmelodions n. Plural of melodion.
MELODION n. a small reed organ, also MELODEON.
NONSOLIDSnonsolids n. Plural of nonsolid.
NONSOLID n. a substance that is not a solid.
NOODLINGSnoodlings n. Plural of noodling.
NOODLING n. playing idly on a musical instrument.
POLONISEDPolonised v. Simple past tense and past participle of Polonise.
POLONISE v. to make Polish, also POLONIZE.
SALMONOIDsalmonoid adj. Of or pertaining to the family Salmonidae of salmon and close relatives.
salmonoid n. Any of these fish.
SALMONOID n. a member of the salmon family, also SALMONID.
SMILODONSsmilodons n. Plural of smilodon.
SMILODON n. an extinct genus of saber-toothed tigers.
SOLENOIDSsolenoids n. Plural of solenoid.
SOLENOID n. a cylindrical wire coil acting as a magnet when charged.
VINDALOOSvindaloos n. Plural of vindaloo.
VINDALOO n. (Portuguese) a curried dish made with meat, garlic and wine.
WOOLDINGSwooldings n. Plural of woolding.
WOOLDING n. the act of winding a rope or chain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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