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There are 19 nine-letter words containing D, 2I, N, R, S and T

DIGITRONSdigitrons n. Plural of digitron.
DIGITRON n. (tradename) a type of tube for displaying information which can be lit by a low discharge.
DIRTINESSdirtiness n. The state or quality of being dirty.
DIRTINESS n. the state of being dirty.
DISINTERSdisinters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disinter.
DISINTER v. to exhume.
DISORIENTdisorient v. To cause to lose orientation or direction.
disorient v. To confuse or befuddle.
DISORIENT v. to confuse as to direction.
DISRATINGdisrating v. Present participle of disrate.
DISRATE v. to lower in rank.
DISTRAINSdistrains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of distrain.
DISTRAIN v. to seize and hold property as security.
DISTRAINTdistraint n. (Law) The legal right of a landlord to seize the property of a tenant in the event of nonpayment of rent.
DISTRAINT n. seizure of goods.
DISUNITERdisuniter n. One who, or that which, disunites.
DISUNITER n. one who disunites.
DRIFTINGSdriftings n. Plural of drifting.
DRIFTING n. the act of moving with the wind.
DRIFTPINSdriftpins n. Plural of driftpin.
DRIFTPIN n. a metal pin for securing timbers.
INDICTERSindicters n. Plural of indicter.
INDICTER n. one who indicts, also INDICTOR.
INDICTORSindictors n. Plural of indictor.
INDICTOR n. one who indicts, also INDICTER.
REINDICTSreindicts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reindict.
REINDICT v. to indict again.
RETINOIDSretinoids n. Plural of retinoid.
RETINOID n. a compound analogous to vitamin A.
SATURNIIDsaturniid n. Any moth of the family Saturniidae.
SATURNIID n. any of a family of large tropical moths.
SPINDRIFTspindrift n. (Nautical) Sea spray (clouds of water droplets) blown from the tops of waves by the wind and whipped…
spindrift n. (By extension) Clouds of sand, snow, etc., whipped along the ground by the wind.
SPINDRIFT n. the ocean spray which is blown by the wind, also SPOONDRIFT.
STINKBIRDstinkbird n. The hoatzin.
STINKBIRD n. another name for the hoatzin.
STRIDLINGSTRIDLING adv. (dialect) astride.
THIRDINGSthirdings n. Plural of thirding.
thirdings n. (UK, law) One third of the corn or grain growing on the ground at the tenant’s death, paid to the lord as a heriot.
THIRDING n. a third part.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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