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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing D, G, I, N, O, T and U

DEGOUTINGDEGOUT v. (French) to make (something) into drops.
DETOURINGdetouring v. Present participle of detour.
detouring n. The act of taking a detour.
DETOUR v. to take an indirect route.
DONUTTINGDONUT v. to surround a parliamentary orator to impress TV audiences.
DOUBTINGSdoubtings n. Plural of doubting.
DOUBTING n. the act of doubting.
LONGITUDElongitude n. (Geography) Angular distance measured west or east of the prime meridian.
longitude n. (Geography, astronomy) Any imaginary line perpendicular to the equator and part of a great circle passing…
longitude n. (Archaic) Length.
OBTRUDINGobtruding v. Present participle of obtrude.
obtruding n. An obtrusion; the act of something that obtrudes.
OBTRUDING n. the act of obtruding.
OBTUNDINGobtunding v. Present participle of obtund.
OBTUND v. to blunt, deaden.
OUTADDINGOUTADD v. to surpass in adding.
OUTDARINGoutdaring v. Present participle of outdare.
OUTDARE v. to surpass in daring.
OUTDATINGoutdating v. Present participle of outdate.
OUTDATE v. to make out-of-date.
OUTDESIGNoutdesign v. (Transitive) To surpass in design; to design better than.
OUTDESIGN v. to surpass in designing.
OUTDURINGoutduring v. Present participle of outdure.
OUTDURE v. (obsolete) to outlast.
OUTGAINEDoutgained v. Simple past tense and past participle of outgain.
OUTGAIN v. to gain more than.
OUTMODINGoutmoding v. Present participle of outmode.
outmoding n. The act or process of something becoming outmoded.
OUTMODE v. to put out of fashion.
OUTRIDINGoutriding v. Present participle of outride.
outriding n. A trip out on horseback to inspect a ranch etc.
OUTRIDING n. the act of riding out.
OUTWINGEDoutwinged v. Simple past tense and past participle of outwing.
OUTWING v. to fly beyond.
STOUNDINGstounding v. Present participle of stound.
STOUND v. to ache, throb, also STOWND.
STROUDINGstrouding n. Material for strouds; a kind of coarse cloth formerly used in trade between the Europeans and the Native Americans.
STROUDING n. the material used for a stroud, coarse wool.
UNBIGOTEDunbigoted adj. Not bigoted.
UNBIGOTED adj. not bigoted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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