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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing D, G, I, N, O, R and U

DETOURINGdetouring v. Present participle of detour.
detouring n. The act of taking a detour.
DETOUR v. to take an indirect route.
DEVOURINGdevouring v. Present participle of devour.
devouring n. The act by which something is devoured.
DEVOUR v. to eat voraciously.
GROUNDINGgrounding n. Fundamental knowledge or background in a field or discipline.
grounding n. The return to a fully conscious state after a psychedelic experience.
grounding n. The collision of a ship with ground beneath the surface of the water.
GUERIDONSgueridons n. Plural of gueridon.
guéridons n. Plural of guéridon.
GUERIDON n. (French) a small ornate stand or table.
INGROUNDSINGROUND v. to fix (something) in something as in the ground.
OBTRUDINGobtruding v. Present participle of obtrude.
obtruding n. An obtrusion; the act of something that obtrudes.
OBTRUDING n. the act of obtruding.
OUTDARINGoutdaring v. Present participle of outdare.
OUTDARE v. to surpass in daring.
OUTDURINGoutduring v. Present participle of outdure.
OUTDURE v. (obsolete) to outlast.
OUTRIDINGoutriding v. Present participle of outride.
outriding n. A trip out on horseback to inspect a ranch etc.
OUTRIDING n. the act of riding out.
PRODUCINGproducing v. Present participle of produce.
PRODUCE v. to bring into existence.
RIGAUDONSrigaudons n. Plural of rigaudon.
RIGAUDON n. (French) a lively Baroque period dance, also RIGADOON.
ROUNDINGSroundings n. Plural of rounding.
ROUNDING n. the process of raising or lowering a number to an approximation which has fewer decimal places.
SHROUDINGshrouding v. Present participle of shroud.
shrouding n. A shroud (annular plate at the periphery of a water wheel, forming side of bucket).
SHROUDING n. the act of covering with a shroud.
STROUDINGstrouding n. Material for strouds; a kind of coarse cloth formerly used in trade between the Europeans and the Native Americans.
STROUDING n. the material used for a stroud, coarse wool.
UNCORDINGuncording v. Present participle of uncord.
UNCORD v. to free from cords.
UNGODLIERungodlier adj. Comparative form of ungodly: more ungodly.
UNGODLY adj. not godly.
UNLORDINGunlording v. Present participle of unlord.
UNLORD v. to strip of the dignity of a lord.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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