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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing D, G, 2I, R, S and T

DIGASTRICdigastric adj. (Zoology) Having two bellies.
digastric adj. (Anatomy) Of, relating to, or being a digastric muscle.
digastric n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of digastric muscle..
DIGITISERdigitiser n. Alternative spelling of digitizer.
DIGITISER n. a device that converts analogue signals etc. to digital ones, also DIGITIZER.
DIGITRONSdigitrons n. Plural of digitron.
DIGITRON n. (tradename) a type of tube for displaying information which can be lit by a low discharge.
DIRIGISTEdirigiste adj. Controlled or guided by a central authority, as in an economy.
dirigiste n. An advocate or practitioner of dirigisme.
DIRIGISTE adj. (French) relating to State control of economic and social affairs.
DISRATINGdisrating v. Present participle of disrate.
DISRATE v. to lower in rank.
DRIFTINGSdriftings n. Plural of drifting.
DRIFTING n. the act of moving with the wind.
FRIGIDESTfrigidest adj. Superlative form of frigid: most frigid.
FRIGID adj. chillingly stiff.
STRIDLINGSTRIDLING adv. (dialect) astride.
THIRDINGSthirdings n. Plural of thirding.
thirdings n. (UK, law) One third of the corn or grain growing on the ground at the tenant’s death, paid to the lord as a heriot.
THIRDING n. a third part.
TIGRIDIASTIGRIDIA n. a tropical American plant with colourful flowers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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