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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing D, G, H, 2I, N and S

CHIDLINGSchidlings n. Pronunciation spelling of chitterlings.
CHIDLINGS n. part of the small intestine of swine, also CHITLINGS.
DEHISCINGdehiscing v. Present participle of dehisce.
DEHISCE v. to split open.
DISHOMINGdishoming v. Present participle of dishome.
DISHOME v. to deprive of a home.
HINDSIGHThindsight n. Realization or understanding of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred.
hindsight n. (Rare) The rear sight of a firearm.
HINDSIGHT n. the ability or opportunity to understand and explain an event after it has happened.
HINDWINGShindwings n. Plural of hindwing.
hind␣wings n. Plural of hind wing.
HINDWING n. a rear wing.
MIDNIGHTSmidnights n. Plural of midnight.
MIDNIGHT n. the middle of the night.
NIGHTSIDEnightside n. (Astronomy) The side of a planet that faces away from the sun around which it orbits.
NIGHTSIDE n. the dark, mysterious or gloomy side of anything.
SHIELDINGshielding v. Present participle of shield.
shielding n. (Physics, chemistry) The situation, in NMR spectroscopy, in which a local magnetic field is weakened…
shielding n. (Soccer) Action done by the person with the ball to protect the ball from the defender; the person concerned…
SPHINGIDSsphingids n. Plural of sphingid.
SPHINGID n. a member of the Sphingidae family, hawkmoths.
THIRDINGSthirdings n. Plural of thirding.
thirdings n. (UK, law) One third of the corn or grain growing on the ground at the tenant’s death, paid to the lord as a heriot.
THIRDING n. a third part.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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