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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing D, E, M, O, 2S and T

COMEDISTScomedists n. Plural of comedist.
COMEDIST n. a writer of comedies.
DEMONISTSdemonists n. Plural of demonist.
DEMONIST n. one who believes in demons.
DEMOTISTSdemotists n. Plural of demotist.
DEMOTIST n. a student of demotic script, also DEMOTICIST.
DESPOTISMdespotism n. Government by a singular authority, either a single person or tight-knit group, which rules with absolute…
DESPOTISM n. absolute power; a state governed by a despot.
DOMESTICSdomestics n. Plural of domestic.
domestics n. (Dated) Articles manufactured within a country rather than being imported, especially home-made cotton cloths.
DOMESTIC n. a household servant.
DOOMSTERSdoomsters n. Plural of doomster.
DOOMSTER n. (Scots) formerly in Scotland, an officer who repeated the sentence after the judge, also DEEMSTER, DEMPSTER, DOOMSMAN.
MELODISTSmelodists n. Plural of melodist.
MELODIST n. a composer of melodies.
MISSORTEDmissorted v. Simple past tense and past participle of missort.
MISSORT v. to sort badly or improperly.
MODELISTSmodelists n. Plural of modelist.
MODELIST n. one who makes models, also MODELLIST.
MODESTESTmodestest adj. Superlative form of modest: most modest.
MODEST adj. unassuming.
MODESTIESmodesties n. Plural of modesty.
MODESTY n. the quality of being modest.
MUDSTONESmudstones n. Plural of mudstone.
MUDSTONE n. a fine-grained detrital sedimentary rock made up of clay- and silt-sized particles.
SODOMITESsodomites n. Plural of sodomite.
Sodomites n. Plural of Sodomite.
SODOMITE n. one who practices sodomy, also SODOMIST.
STAMPEDOSstampedos n. Plural of stampedo.
stampedos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stampedo.
STAMPEDO v. (obsolete) to stampede.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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