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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing D, E, M, 2O, S and T

ASTRODOMEastrodome n. A transparent dome in the fuselage of an aircraft or spacecraft through which navigational observations may be made.
Astrodome prop.n. A domed sports stadium in Houston, Texas.
ASTRODOME n. a stadium with a domed roof.
COMPOSTEDcomposted v. Simple past tense and past participle of compost.
COMPOST v. to make into fertilizer.
DEMOTIONSdemotions n. Plural of demotion.
DEMOTION n. the action of demoting.
DOLOMITESdolomites n. Plural of dolomite.
Dolomites prop.n. (Geography) A section of the Alps in north-eastern Italy.
DOLOMITE n. a mineral, double carbonate of calcium and magnesium; a rock composed of that mineral, magnesian limestone.
DOOMSTERSdoomsters n. Plural of doomster.
DOOMSTER n. (Scots) formerly in Scotland, an officer who repeated the sentence after the judge, also DEEMSTER, DEMPSTER, DOOMSMAN.
HOTELDOMSHOTELDOM n. hotels and hotel workers.
MODERATOSmoderatos n. Plural of moderato.
MODERATO n. (Italian) a musical direction indicating a moderate degree of quickness.
MOTORISEDmotorised adj. Alternative spelling of motorized (equipped with a motor).
motorised v. Simple past tense and past participle of motorise.
MOTORISE v. to provide with motors, also MOTORIZE.
ODOMETERSodometers n. Plural of odometer.
ODOMETER n. a device for measuring distance travelled, also ODOGRAPH.
OSTEODERMosteoderm n. (Anatomy) A bony deposit in the dermal layers of the skin.
OSTEODERM n. a bony dermal plate.
OUTSMOKEDoutsmoked v. Simple past tense and past participle of outsmoke.
OUTSMOKE v. to surpass in smoking.
SODOMITESsodomites n. Plural of sodomite.
Sodomites n. Plural of Sodomite.
SODOMITE n. one who practices sodomy, also SODOMIST.
STOMODAEAstomodaea n. Plural of stomodaeum.
STOMODAEUM n. in embryology, the invagination that forms the anterior part of the digestive tract, also STOMODEUM.
STOMODEALstomodeal adj. Of or pertaining to a stomodeum.
STOMODEAL adj. relating to the stomodeum, in embryology, the invagination that forms the anterior part of the digestive tract.
STOMODEUMstomodeum n. (Anatomy) A depression on the ectoderm of a developing embryo that becomes the mouth.
STOMODEUM n. an embryonic oral cavity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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