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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing D, E, L, N, O, S and T

CONSULTEDconsulted v. Simple past tense and past participle of consult.
CONSULT v. to ask advice of.
DELATIONSdelations n. Plural of delation.
DELATION n. the act of informing against someone.
DELETIONSdeletions n. Plural of deletion.
DELETION n. the act of deleting.
DENTULOUSdentulous adj. (Usually medicine or zoology) Having natural teeth.
DENTULOUS adj. having teeth.
DOLOSTONEdolostone n. (Geology) A sedimentary carbonate rock that contains a high percentage of the mineral dolomite.
DOLOSTONE n. a rock composed of dolomite.
ENDOBLASTendoblast n. Entoblast.
ENDOBLAST n. the inner cell-layer of a gastrula, also ENTOBLAST.
ENDOSTEALendosteal adj. Of or pertaining to the endosteum.
ENDOSTEAL adj. relating to the endosteum, as in endosteal ossification.
ENDOSTYLEendostyle n. (Zoology) A longitudinal ciliated groove on the ventral wall of the pharynx which produces mucus to…
ENDOSTYLE n. a fold of the endoderm, which projects into the blood cavity of ascidians.
GLADSTONEGladstone prop.n. A Scottish habitational surname from Old English.
Gladstone prop.n. Any of places of the same name.
Gladstone n. Ellipsis of Gladstone bag..
GOLDENESTgoldenest adj. Superlative form of golden: most golden.
GOLDEN adj. of the colour of gold.
GOLDSTONEgoldstone n. A glittering ornamental glass made in a low-oxygen reducing atmosphere. It can be polished and carved.
goldstone n. Alternative form of gold stone (“gold ore”).
Goldstone prop.n. A placename.
GOLDTONESGOLDTONE n. a photographic image printed on a glass-plate with a painted golden backing.
INSOLATEDinsolated v. Simple past tense and past participle of insolate.
INSOLATE v. to expose to the sun's rays.
LOADSTONEloadstone n. Alternative form of lodestone.
LOADSTONE n. magnetite that is naturally magnetized; a piece of this used as a magnet, also LODESTONE.
LODESTONElodestone n. A naturally occurring magnet.
lodestone n. (Obsolete) The mineral magnetite.
LODESTONE n. magnetite that is naturally magnetized; a piece of this used as a magnet, also LOADSTONE.
LODGMENTSlodgments n. Plural of lodgment.
LODGMENT n. a temporary place to live, also LODGING.
MELTDOWNSmeltdowns n. Plural of meltdown.
MELTDOWN n. the melting of the core of a nuclear reactor.
RONDELETSrondelets n. Plural of rondelet.
RONDELET n. (French) a short 5 or 7-line rondeau with one refrain per stanza.
ROUNDLETSroundlets n. Plural of roundlet.
ROUNDLET n. a small circle.
TOLIDINESTOLIDINE n. a type of organic compound, also TOLIDIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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