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There are 14 nine-letter words containing D, E, I, L, P, T and U

AMPLITUDEamplitude n. The measure of something’s size, especially in terms of width or breadth; largeness, magnitude.
amplitude n. (Mathematics) The maximum absolute value of the vertical component of a curve or function, especially…
amplitude n. (Physics) The maximum absolute value of some quantity that varies.
DUPLEXITYduplexity n. The state of being duplex.
DUPLEXITY n. the state of being duplex, double.
DUPLICATEduplicate adj. Being the same as another; identical, often having been copied from an original.
duplicate adj. (Games) In which the hands of cards, tiles, etc. are preserved between rounds to be played again by other players.
duplicate v. (Transitive) To make a copy of.
LIPPITUDElippitude n. Soreness of the eyes; blearedness.
LIPPITUDE n. (archaic) soreness of the eyes.
MULTIPEDEmultipede adj. Having many feet.
multipede n. A creature with many feet, especially a centipede, millepede or similar creature.
multipede n. A branching structure with many separate termini.
MULTIPEDSmultipeds n. Plural of multiped.
MULTIPED n. an insect having many feet, as a myriapod, also MULTIPEDE.
PLATITUDEplatitude n. (Countable) An often-quoted saying that is supposed to be meaningful but has become unoriginal or hackneyed…
platitude n. (Countable) A claim that is trivially true, to the point of being uninteresting.
platitude n. (Uncountable) Flatness; lack of change, activity, or deviation.
PLENITUDEplenitude n. Fullness; completeness.
plenitude n. An abundance; a full supply.
plenitude n. (Heraldry) Fullness (of the moon).
POULTICEDpoulticed v. Simple past tense and past participle of poultice.
POULTICE v. to apply a hot, healing substance.
PUDDLIESTpuddliest adj. Superlative form of puddly: most puddly.
PUDDLY adj. full of puddles.
UNPILOTEDunpiloted adj. Lacking a pilot.
UNPILOTED adj. not piloted.
UNPLAITEDunplaited v. Simple past tense and past participle of unplait.
unplaited adj. Not plaited.
UNPLAIT v. to undo the plaits of.
UPLIGHTEDuplighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of uplight.
UPLIGHT v. to light to a higher brightness.
UPTRILLEDUPTRILLED adj. (Coleridge) trilled high.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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