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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing D, E, I, L, M, O and T

ALMONDITEALMONDITE n. a deep red garnet consisting of an iron aluminum silicate, also ALABANDINE, ALMANDINE, ALMANDITE.
DEMIVOLTEDEMIVOLTE n. a half-turn of a horse, the forelegs being raised in the air, also DEMIVOLT.
DEMIVOLTSdemivolts n. Plural of demivolt.
DEMIVOLT n. a half turn made by a horse, also DEMIVOLTE.
DIPLOMATEdiplomate n. A professional who has earned a diploma.
diplomate v. (Transitive) To award a diploma to.
DIPLOMATE n. someone who holds a diploma.
DOLOMITESdolomites n. Plural of dolomite.
Dolomites prop.n. (Geography) A section of the Alps in north-eastern Italy.
DOLOMITE n. a mineral, double carbonate of calcium and magnesium; a rock composed of that mineral, magnesian limestone.
ETHMOIDALethmoidal adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or pertaining to the ethmoid bone.
ETHMOIDAL adj. of or like a sieve, also ETHMOID.
IMMOLATEDimmolated v. Simple past tense and past participle of immolate.
IMMOLATE v. to kill as a sacrifice.
IMPLODENTimplodent n. (Phonetics) An implosive sound.
IMPLODENT n. an implosive sound.
MELODISTSmelodists n. Plural of melodist.
MELODIST n. a composer of melodies.
METALLOIDmetalloid n. (Chemistry) An element, such as silicon or germanium, intermediate in properties between that of a metal…
metalloid n. (Chemistry, obsolete) The metallic base of a fixed alkali, or alkaline earth; applied to sodium, potassium…
metalloid adj. (Not comparable) Of or relating to the metalloids.
MODELISTSmodelists n. Plural of modelist.
MODELIST n. one who makes models, also MODELLIST.
MODELLISTmodellist n. A person who makes models.
MODELLIST n. a person who constructs models, also MODELIST.
MOLDAVITEmoldavite n. (Geology) A substance formed by meteorite impact, a component of the tektites found across central Europe.
MOLDAVITE n. a green tektite found in the Czech republic, thought to be the product of an ancient meteorite impact in Germany.
MOULDIESTmouldiest adj. Superlative form of mouldy: most mouldy.
MOULDY adj. covered with mould.
MULTIMODEmultimode adj. Having, or employing multiple modes.
multimode n. A simultaneous superposition of modes.
MULTIMODE n. an SLR camera or its light meter with more than one way of setting the exposure.
OUTSMILEDoutsmiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outsmile.
OUTSMILE v. to surpass in smiling.
TURMOILEDturmoiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of turmoil.
TURMOIL v. to cause a commotion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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