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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing D, E, 2I, R and 2T

DETRITIONdetrition n. Attrition; erosion by friction.
DETRITION n. a wearing off or away.
DIPTERISTdipterist n. An entomologist who specializes in the order Diptera (true flies).
DIPTERIST n. a person who studies flies.
DISATTIREdisattire v. (Transitive) To undress.
DISATTIRE v. (Spenser) to unrobe; to undress.
DISTRAITEdistraite adj. (Of a woman) Alternative form of distrait.
DISTRAITE adj. (French) distracted in mind; excessively perplexed or troubled, also DISTRAIT.
DRIFTIESTdriftiest adj. Superlative form of drifty: most drifty.
DRIFTY adj. full of masses of wind-driven snow.
INTERDICTinterdict n. A papal decree prohibiting the administration of the sacraments from a political entity under the power…
interdict n. (Scotland, law) An injunction.
interdict v. (Transitive, Roman Catholicism) To exclude (someone or somewhere) from participation in church services;…
IRRITATEDirritated v. Simple past tense and past participle of irritate.
irritated adj. Experiencing a feeling of irritation.
irritated adj. (Pathology) Inflamed and painful.
TRADITIVEtraditive adj. Transmitted or transmissible from parent to child, or from older to younger, by oral communication; traditional.
TRADITIVE adj. traditional.
TRIDYMITEtridymite n. (Mineralogy) A rare mineral of volcanic rocks that solidified at a high temperature, with the chemical…
TRIDYMITE n. an orthorhombic form of silica, in hexagonal scales, often combined in threes.
TRITIATEDtritiated adj. (Chemistry) Describing a compound which has had some of its normal hydrogen (protium) replaced with…
tritiated v. Simple past tense and past participle of tritiate.
TRITIATE v. to replace atoms by tritium.
TURBIDITEturbidite n. (Geology) Any sedimentary deposit formed by a turbidity current.
TURBIDITE n. the sediment deposited by a turbidity current.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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